
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Fasting Wurks.


Well Sister Loo and I decided to be legit and cut down our own Christmas tree. Too bad that we went to the Xmas tree farm and the littlest tree was like 50 bucks! I was thinking that they would maybe be like 25 or 30? But nope. The trees were BEAUTIFUL. But they were very expensive. So Sister Loo and I headed back to WalMart for the third time in the same Pday to get our tree. We went to get groceries, we went back to get a tree-stand, and then we went back to get our tree. A cute member in our ward asked if we wanted to use her extra xmas decorations so she dropped them off at our apartment and she even gave us a cute little poinsettia. And then when I got mom's cute little advent calendar and gifts, we just about died! It is so cute! Our apartment is so festive. The members are taking care of us! We even got some gingerbread hand-soap, it makes me hungry. 

So we got out tree but we didn't have a saw to cut off the bottom so we tried a steak knife. FAIL. Then we went to a few of our neighbors... FAIL. Then we asked the AP's. FAIL. Then we asked our maintenance guy at our apartment and he looked at us like we were crazy but we got one! I wish we had taken a video of us sawing off the end of our tree. I was COVERED from head to toe in sapp. It was hilarious. We felt pretty boss afterwards though so we snapped a picture of us in our gangsta onzies. #Htownpride


Sister Loo's family send her LOADS of Polynesian food and whenever she gets a package I say, "20 bucks says its full of food!" And it always is! haha. So funny. I always scrunch my nose and say, "that looks nasty!" But then i end up loving it. So now whenever she gets something and I start to scrunch my nose she rolls her eyes and says,"REALLY Sister King? you do this every time and then you end up loving it." She may or may not have converted me to spam and eggs (never thought that would happen haha) Oh I love Sister Loo so much. We go really well together. She is the best. I have been way too blessed with my companions they are all my best friends. Today we are getting out hair cut and I am going to bring stuff to write letters because Sister Loo has like 10X as much hair as I do. When I braid her hair I like no joke get like a forearm workout. I feel like I have been rock-climbing whenever I am done braiding her hair. I am dead serious. One of these days we are going to brush it out and it will be a fro. I will be sure to snap a picture.


So Sister Loo and I fasted yesterday for our investigators (who are all at a standstill, or ignoring us) we think that some of them may have gotten a hold of some anti-mormon literature.... Sad day. Man, as soon as they get close to knowing the truth, blasted Satan steps in and with a click of the mouse they doubt the spirit that they felt. So Sister Loo and I have been wondering what to do about that, we weren't sure if we should approach them about it and tell them to come to us with any concerns they may have, and not google. We were fasting for that and we were also fasting for our lesson. We taught in Relief Society yesterday and we planned out this really good lesson about missionary work. We shared a bunch of really cool quotes and then we shared Russell Ballard's talk from this last General Conference when he said, 

"We are not asking everyone to do everything. We are simply asking all members to pray, knowing that if every member, young and old, will reach out to just 'one' between now and Christmas, millions will feel the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. And what a wonderful gift to the Savior.” - Elder M. Russell Ballard

We told the Relief Society that we could give the Savior an amazing gift this Christmas. We came up with a goal of 3 baptisms in our Relief Society before Valentine's day! It was cool to incorporate all the things that Sister Loo and I do every day like asking and praying for goals and numbers and names and have the Relief Society do that also. On the hand out we had a little spot to write down our goal and who they were going to reach out to before Christmas. It was neat. Sister Loo played, "I Know That my Redeemer Lives" on the piano and we had everyone think and pray about who to reach out to. Then we invited everyone to kneel and pray to know who the Lord wanted them to reach out to. The spirit was very strong, Sister Loo and I knelt down as well and man, it was powerful and our Relief Society grew so much closer! And we had so many Sisters come up to us after and tell us that they had all these names come to their mind and they were going to do it! And we have gotten texts today about Sister's friends that need to be reactivated. It was such an inspired lesson. It was all the Lord. We were just his mouth piece. It was amazing. 

We had 5 less actives at church and one investigator. I could hardly breathe because our investigator was covered in cigarette smoke. But then I remembered a quote that I once heard saying "we should smell cigarette smoke in sacrament meeting, because that means that people are where they need to be." I really liked that. They are in the right place. Also... Bryce send us the cutest text ever. He got a job at an Italian restaurant and so we helped him find a red tie. He can't afford to buy one. So we found him one and this was the conversation we had: :)

Church is true. Man, it's true. I love this time of year. I hope that you were all able to watch the Christmas Devotional it was so so good. Now that I really truly have a personal relationship with my savior, Christmas means oh so much more to me than it did before. As we were hanging up the advent calendar mom sent, "I believe in Christ" was playing and the Christmas spirit was very strong. I KNOW that Jesus Christ lives. Man I know it. And the priesthood is very powerful, we are so very lucky to have it on the earth today. 

Sorry to get all mushy. Love you all! :)

Oh and PS. I performed at the Christmas Talent Show... it was pretty great. Yeah I sang with my mouth closed. It was pretty epic.... haha. Love you all! 

Sister King

Ward Christmas Talent Show- We showed up in our Ugly Christmas Sweaters. Elder Wilstead is a party pooper.

Temple day! 

Fitting the tree in our car trunk...
 Our tree :) 

Footsie thugs


Xmas Tree Farm... then we cheated and went to walmart because it was cheaper. Like WAY cheaper.

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