
Sunday, March 23, 2014


Well I went on exchanges this week with Sister Ririe in Memorial springs and I loved it. It was just what I needed. I was getting a little discouraged with our area and the progess that we were having. And it was a really nice breath of fresh air. We had a member take us to a market place to get sushi and then they dropped us off at a park so we could eat it and it was funny because we totally forgot to get napkins, or chopsticks, or water... so we were just eating sushi with our hands. It was quite the adventure. We were tracting and I felt really strongly that we needed to use the approach of us having a modern day prophet, we knocked on a few doors and no one answered. Then we knocked and this little girl answered, she was about 11, and the spirit prompted me to talk about modern day prophets. So we small talked for a bit and talked about what church she and her family went to, she said, Methodist, and then I said, "well we are missionaries for our church and you want to know something cool about our church? You know the prophets in the bible, like moses? Well we have a prophet on the earth today, just like moses!" HER EYES LIT UP. You could see the spirit catching fire in her. We talked to her for a few more minutes and then we told her to talk to her mom about it and call us so we could come back! Such a neat moment. It is little moments of faith and the spirit that keep me going. 

I am always reminded by children to have a child-like faith. If we had told her mother that, most likely she would say, "uh..huh. Sure, okay, well we aren't interested. Thank you though!" NO. We need to have faith! Just see if this gospel can't add on to what you already have! See if we can't build onto the faith that you already have!" I just pray that that little girl will remember that moment , even if her parents don't end up calling the Sisters to come back, at least she will have felt the spirit testify of truth. She may not know what that feeling was, but I saw it in her eyes!


We have a new investigator her name is Sandra. She just barely moved here 2 weeks ago from Venezuela. Her aunt is a member and she has been taught a few lessons by the Sisters in the family ward. But her aunt brought her to FHE on monday and man, she loved it. She is so prepared to hear the gospel. She was amazed that she can instantly have friends through the gospel and that people are so nice and christ like. 

It has been her dream to come to America and now she is really here. But she thought that Houston was a big big city and that there would be public transportation and buses and all that but... there really isn't at least not it Spring! So since she doesn't have a car she can't go anywhere and she is so lonely and afraid. Her family is going back to Venezuela. Not only will she miss her family, but Venezuela is not really the most ideal country to be living in right now. It was a miracle that Sandra got out. She told us that she knows it was by the grace of God that she was able to get a visa and get a plane ticket. She is really worried about her family going back, and where/how she is going to find a job with no car, all of these things. 

So we wanted to fellowship her as soon as possible so we could help her feel comfortable here in the ward and maybe get her some connections for jobs and such. So we went out to dinner with her and some other girls in our ward on Wednesday night and we talked about the Book of Mormon and the power behind it. Sandra has started to read it and she told us that she was super nervous about a job interview that she had on Wednesday morning and she started to tear up, she choked up as she said, "Something told me that I needed to read The Book of Mormon. So I did and I felt so much peace."  She told us that she had prayed about it she knew that it was true. Man, so neat. It was such a beautiful moment and we all just sat there with the spirit wrapping around us in this restaurant. Of all places to have a spiritual moment, Whatever! GOD is EVERYWHERE! including CiCi's Pizza! I love this gospel. I love the Book of Mormon. Such a power that comes from that Book. I wish I had known and discovered that sooner in my life. 

"Everyone thinks that I wear boots because I love Texas... but really, it is because I never shave my legs..."

We were laying on our beds sprawled out and we were pretty overwhelmed about the fireside and about how members are not really stepping up to help us... i said, "Okay, so Sister Shell, at what point do we just take the reins?"...

She said, "We already HAVE the reins... the horse is just eating the STUPID GRASS!"

Love her.

Also... our microwave is TERRIBLE. And since Sister Shell loves Harry Potter, we named him Creature. I got out of the shower the other day to find this taped on the microwave. So funny.


We had a GREAT lesson with Frank. We read about the 2,000 stripling warriors and he LOVED it. Then, the elders came in at the end because they were finalizing some things for a baptism they were having on Saturday. So Frank said, and I quote, "Man, I've got all the missionaries on me! Its like Jesus Christ is saying 'Okay, I need EVERYBODY on this guy!'" It pretty much made our night. It was so hilarious! Then, the elders are like, "Hey sisters! We have a surprise for you! Come see this...."
So we walk down the hall, all of us together, and there it is.  A HUGE A-Frame of the flyer for our fireside! Its like 4 ft tall by 2 ft wide! At least! I almost Started to cry. No joke. So cool. We are going to set it up at the college campus' this week and hand out fliers! So excited!

We met before church about the fireside, which we were panicking about. So we found a room and prayed before church. We were also fasting that day for the fireside, for Erick, for more people to teach, and a few other things. We just felt pretty discouraged...but we were not yet giving up faith! 

Sandra came to church and she loved it. She was on the verge of tears the whole time! And Frank came too! good ol' Frank. And he brought his little sister Daisy again. Super cute. He wants us to teach her the Plan of Salvation this week, how adorable! She asked her mom,  "When can Sister Shell and Sister King come over?" Her mom said, "Whenever you want!" It is so cute to see Frank being a missionary for his family! Frank came to Baptism that the Elders had in our ward on Saturday and it was cool. I spoke on Baptism and the spirit was strong. Her name is Jessica and Sister Loo and I met her a few months ago and the Elders started teaching her. She is just the sweetest ever. After the baptism Frank said, "I am getting impatient for May 3rd!" We said, "Well Frank! Lets dunk you right now! Why wait!?" He wants to wait for his friend that is away at BYU to be here. She introduced him to the church. I just love Frank to pieces. I hope that I am still here when he is Baptized! 

Anyway.. back to Sunday...Sister Shell and I were wondering what to do about dinner since we'd been fasting and as we were getting in our car to leave, Britni texted us and invited us over for dinner! Miracle! The Lord knew that we needed some members to take care of us haha. So that lifted our spirits up a lot. 

K I am stealing this from Sister Shell's email because I dont have time! 

"Then, we had some craziness to take care of. At church, the elders came up to us and told us that the magnificent A-Frame was missing! We'd left it at the church building over night, and when the Elders stopped by that building, it WASN'T THERE. It was nowhere to be found, and nobody had seen it. So, we were pretty mad. We hadn't even gotten the chance to use it at the college yet! So, we met up with the Elders at the building to search for it. The ASL elders happened to be there too doing family history, so they offered some ideas. Elder Hillebrant (one of the elders in our ward) suggested we call the Bishops/Auxiliary leaders/missionaries in all of the wards that met in that building. When that didn't help, his companion Elder Frandsen suggested we call the top- aka the stake president. Then, Elder Frandsen rethought and said, "WAIT, why don't we pray? That's calling the top!" So we all knelt in prayer, including the ASL elders. After we looked in the dumpster and under the stage but had no luck. We called one of the counselors to the stake president. Turn out they talked about it and thought it might be too dangerous for the children so they took it down, and he put it in his truck and now its down in Magnolia forever away from us. But we found it and we were super relieved!! And one of the ASL elders signed a really beautiful prayer before we all left the church building. Miracles happen people!!! ALL THE TIME! We should be getting the A-Frame back today. Phew!"


Our ward needs all the help we can get! :)




 Also... I WAS SO excited because Sister Shell and I saw a LIVE OPOSSOM. (Why is it spelled like that to look it up.... yeah I used google. So sue me. I am a heathen missionary...) Okay... anyway. We saw one that was not dead on the side of the road and I was SO excited. By the time I got my camera out it was like running away and this was the best picture I could get. I was SO sad. Like really sad. I just want to see one! I am still talking about how sad I am that I didn't get a pic with it and that was like 4 days ago. Poor Sister Shell haha.


Cat with thumbs part II


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Daylight Savings is a Missionaries Worst Enemy

It's P-day, P-day gotta get down on P-day

Honestly though... I am so tired. I just want to lamoni on the floor. Sister Shell and I cleaned our whole apartment today it is like legit spotless. It is pretty great, I felt like a million times better after we cleaned it. And it finally is starting to smell normal! Thanks for the freshener, mom! 

Sorry this email is everywhere. We had to split it into two different email times and so my brain is kinda everywhere! Bear with me!


I was so excited I got to go back to Magnolia for exchanges! And what are the chances that we had dinner with like my favorite member family there! They are just the cutest little family. The Giffords. I should have gotten a picture with them, I don't know what i was thinking. Apparently I wasn't! They are the best. They were so excited when I walked through the door. 

I love being a Sister Training Leader it is really cool. There are a lot of Sisters that are struggling and it is really interesting because there have been very few exchanges that I go on where a Sister hasn't opened up to me and said, "Okay, I am really struggling with____ can you help me?" Or "Do you have any advice about ____ my companion just doesn't get it!" Often times I just open my mouth and give advice, I know that the Lord is working through me to help lift and encourage these Sisters! Missions are hard! And that is okay to admit sometimes!

Elders are from Mars, Sisters are from Venus PART II

I am pretty sure I have used this title before when I wrote about the whole incident after we swapped apartments with the Elders... Bad news bears. Don't remember? Look it up haha. 

After zone meeting on friday we had a meeting with all the leaders in the zone. I am the only Sister Training leader in the Zone and so we all went around and the Zone leaders were like, "Okay, lets just go around the District Leaders and tell us if anyone in your district is struggling or anything, how is it all going?" One by one the 5 district leaders went around the room and every single one of them shrugged their shoulders and said, "Yeah everything is going great! No problems!" next Elder, "Ditto, the district is doing well!" next Elder, "Awesome, nothing I can think of..."  etc.... etc...The zone leader says, "Alright! Awesome, well I am glad that everything is doing well, is there anything else that we need to go over?" 

And I am just sitting there and a smile comes onto my face... I am thinking, "I know that there is a Sister in every single one of these districts that is struggling and you mean to tell me that not ONE Elder is struggling....?" So... I raise my hand and say, "So... I have a question, and I think that this is just because I am the Sister Training Leader... but... When y'all go on exchanges, NONE of the Elders open up to you or ask for advice?...because there have been very few exchanges where I am not up late with a sister crying with them and flipping open the scriptures or preach my gospel because they are struggling with something... so... I am just assuming from the last few minutes that that doesn't happen with y'all on exchanges?"

 The Elders all look around at each other, furrow their brows in thought and then and shake their heads, "No, we all just suck it up I guess. We are guys. We don't open up to each other." I was just blown away.... I thought it was so interesting. I mean I know that the male species is not generally very open with emotions and when problems arise they just rub some dirt in it and tough it out. But missions are hard! Man, I am just glad that I am a Sister sometimes. I told them, "Y'all don't have to be tough all the time! It's okay to not be okay sometimes! Stop being such men! haha" We all laughed and then told the District leaders to come talk to me if they had any questions about the Sisters in their districts. It was just such an interesting conversation and I have been thinking about it a ton lately! Men verses women. I sure am glad that I am a woman!

(Sidenote: Sister Shell says that all the time. It is okay to not be okay! Most of the time she says that while we are lamoni-ing on the floor)"


Friday after Zone Meeting we were supposed to go volunteer, but Sister Shell and I were feeling very overwhelmed. We made a list of why, and then did things to prevent us from getting even more overwhelmed. Hence, we called about 40 people to tell them about the "Why I Believe" fireside because somehow NO ONE in our ward seems to know about it, despite us announcing it in sacrament, it being posted on the Ward Facebook page and it having its own event page on facebook! So we were telling everyone about it on the phone, and committing them to inviting their friends. So far we have called over 70 people we are just going down the contacts in our phone and calling everyone. If they don't answer then we leave a very long voicemail about all the info. I no joke was losing my voice by the end of the night, that is how many people we called. We hope it works! We are excited! I will attach a picture of the flier for the fireside it will be really good! 
Then Kevin took us to a burger place in the woodlands mall called "The Counter." It was possibly the fanciest, yummiest burger place ever! It was so good. 

We volunteered at the temple on Saturday and mannn we are SORE! We were shoveling dirt and moving sod around. It was hard work! Man! Then.. in Sister Shell's words, "We continued in calling everyone and their mom, and their mom's dog's cousin's sister's fiance's owner's brother's niece" about the fireside haha she makes me laugh so much. probably the funniest companion I have had yet! We also got in touch with all the Bishops in the stake, the stake publicity people, each ward mission leader, and each ward bulletin coordinator about the fireside. We felt pretty productive so hopefully we will have a good turn out for the fireside! We are excited!


Then, we went to part of PEC and we talked a lot about the fireside and how we can pull that off, and afterwards we were in the bathroom taking a breather because these meetings are always a bit overwhelming... and Sister Shell clued me in on something super interesting that she realized...Here it is: as our stress level rises (depending on how we deal with it) our capability level also rises. So, there you have it folks. So when you're stressed, rise above it, and next time, you'll be capable of so much more. SO true. Stressful meetings are sometimes the most productive! Kinda like when you have to pull off writing a paper the night before its due. It is the same concept! 


I always make fun of sister shells HP obsession.... I was making fun of her while we were driving and this happened...
"Just so you know... I have a Harry Potter Hogwarts Lego Castle back home...."

- "Ha! Is it YOURS?"

Dead serious she replies, "YES. I got it for Christmas. When I was 18."


Here is another...

We were driving past a Popeye's Chicken and on the marquee it said, "Help Needed"... Sister Shell said, "HEY! Popeye's says 'help needed!' So... we should probably go teach them the Plan of Salvation." She says these things in a dead serious face and then I just bust up and she finally cracks a smile. She is just a riot.

We have started a quote wall. It is awesome. 


 We had our Zone meeting about how to teach the law of chastity. It was really good! Strange topic... but it was so cool. I did a big part of the teaching and I loved it! It was really cool. One of the other Sister Training Leaders had a really cool comment about the law of chastity and the amazing power that our heavenly father has to create. She said, "It is interesting that this war of chastity and virtue is evident on the internet. the two most common searches are pornography and family history. good verses bad and it all revolves around creation and the power that God gives us." I thought that was a very scary, but interesting thought. Satan is trying so hard to destroy families, and it is by taking away virtue that he is succeeding. It was really a neat discussion that we had. 

Also... this week while studying for a lesson we were teaching Erick about repentance, I found my new favorite scripture... Ephesians 5:8- There are too many good ones to name. 

Anyway, love y'all!


church is true!

-Sister King

Back in Magnolia! The log cabin got a bunk bed make over! :)


Catching Chickens in Magnolia

My favorite Chilean Elder. So sad to see him going home.

Angelica drew us as characters! Ignore the fact that my head is HUGE. She is so sweet. It is hanging on our wall in the apartment! :)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Postcard Update!!

"Want to know if Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ? Ask God, he was there!"

 Another Sister that I am super close with shared this scripture with me... She said, "I have this theory that Heavenly Father hates that we have to be away from our loved ones while we serve and so... he speeds up time for us. Time doesn't make sense on the mission. Days feel like weeks and weeks feel like days." SO true. Then she shared this scripture with me and it is really cool it is Mark 13:20 "...for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days." I seriously think that he has! I can't believe that I have been out for 9 months. 

TEAM TEACHINGzzzzzzzzzzzzz
SO... it is no secret that I talk in my sleep... we all know that. And I am not going to lie. I REALLY wish that I had my Sleep Talk Recorder app here out in the mission field. Because I teach in my sleep ALL the time. And the other night I caught Sister Shell doing it too! I wonder if we team teach and like feed off of each other, like in a normal lesson. I am sure the spirit is there even in our sleep teaching haha. 

."The Sacrament has taken on a whole new meaning to me since I have been out on my mission. Our district leader a few weeks ago had us all go into the chapel and sit and just feel the spirit and then we talked about the sacrament. He said, "Every Sunday we have a funeral service for the lord Jesus Christ. And each week, this chapel becomes a tomb for the body of Christ and we renew and remember the covenants that we have made with our savior."

And from good ol' Elder Holland he says regarding the sacrament, 

 "It is the wounded Christ who is the captain of our soul—he who yet bears the scars of sacrifice, the lesions of love and humility and forgiveness.

Those wounds are what he invites young and old, then and now, to step forward and see and feel (see 3 Ne. 11:15; 3 Ne. 18:25). Then we remember with Isaiah that it was for each of us that our Master was “despised and rejected … ; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief” (Isa. 53:3). All this we could remember when we are invited by a kneeling young priest to remember Christ always."

SO cool. In our ward we have Ford Rumsey give the sacrament prayer he usually does the water. But he has downs syndrome and the spirit is so strong when he gives it because he says it very slowly and you can focus on every single word that he is saying. It is really neat, it reminds me of how proud the Savior must be of Ford for trying so hard to say it perfectly and when he messes up, I just picture the Savior kneeling there with him. So neat.


We had a huge part of Zone Conference that was all about using family history to help people be drawn to the church! It was really neat. Sister Shell is super good at it so we were excited when President told us that he wants us each to start taking one hour a week to do our own family history and get familiar with it so we can help others!
We went to the woodlands on Saturday to try to talk to people about family history, it was GORGEOUS out. The Woodlands Marathon had been earlier that morning and so they were taking everything down! I wish we would have known about it and we could have contacted there! Anyway, it was like 80 degrees it was SO hot. I had mini flashbacks to when I would tract with Sister Montierth in the scorching sun. Not fun. We talked to a cute old man named Pete about family history, and he was so cute. He actually went to Salt Lake City for 2 weeks so he could use the Family History Library that we have there. I don't think I really understood the importance of family history and how big of a deal it is until I came out on a mission. It is amazing. After we talked with Pete and a few other people about family history, we went and visited Ashley and helped her do some family history. That was fun, and we found a lot of stuff. She's only been a member since January 11th, so its been fun to literally start from scratch. From nothing and build up. So cool! 


Well I was on exchanges and it was pouring rain. Sister Christensen and I had to walk across this huge field and with every step I was like, "yuck yuck yuck!" She was like, "jump on my back!" I was like, "are you sure?!" And she was like, "yeah!" So I did and it was hilarious. Everyone at the mission office was looking out the windows laughing at us as we trudged across the grass haha I was laughing so hard, and we looked ridiculous. I was wearing a pencil skirt so it was not an easy task! It was pretty funny. She is such a riot. We had a good time... later we reenacted it so we could get a picture! She is so sweet. She picked me a flower so I put it with my nametag :)

Love this church! Love all of you!

Thank you for your support!

I found a quote that I loved this week its about consecration, this applies to missionary work, BUT it also applies to every other aspect of life! 

"Consecration is the only surrender that is also a victory!" 

Consecrate all you have to the lord and he will bless you in your endeavors!

Sorry this is so choppy! I am trying to hurry! :) 


-Sister King

I saw Sister Montierth at Zone Conference! SO good to see her :)

And..... The Assistants are so busy that we have to make sure they are eating. So we call ourselves their "Mission Moms" So we left them this note in their car when they were in some meeting with President. We have pretty funny relationship with the assistants!

Sister Christensen and Me! (love her to pieces)

We just love Frank to pieces. He is trying to quit smoking so this was our conversation via text.... I laughed SO hard. 

He brought his little Sister and his cousin to church it was so cute. We sat by them and they loved it. They said it was much more interesting than catholic mass! I think they might come back! 



So Sister Loo and I had the idea to have a huge fireside targeted JUST for non-members that have questions about what we believe as Latter-Day Saints. So we have been working on that for a while now, it is going to be a huge success. We are really excited about it! Frank is excited about it too and he's not even a member yet! We are trying to convince him to bear his testimony at it. We are having all our recent converts speak about what drew them to the church and how they found their testimony. Frank came to our planning meeting yesterday after church, "becuase he had nothing else to do" So we just invited him to stay and he actually had some really great input from someone who isn't a member. We are going to not only have a fireside devotional but we are going to have an open house that has booths about different topics of the gospel like one both on the book of mormon, one booth on modern day prophets and joseph smith, and Franks idea was to have a booth titled, "High Standards and Happiness!" So great that we are getting Frank involved 


Brother Larsen was announcing the fireside over the pulpit yesterday and he said, "Bring you friends that are not members it is going to be really great because we are going to be having boothz-" (but he totally pronounced it BOOZE)" It was SO funny.  Yeah everyone bring your non-member friends to a mormon fireside and there will be an open bar! It will be a blast! haha. Oh man it was funny. I don't think I have ever heard so much laughter in a chapel before. I almost had to walk out it was hilarious. His face was SO red. 

Anyway.... so remember family how I am considered the "technologically gifted" one in the family? WOW. Let me just tell you that I don't know how to do ANYTHING. Luckily the lord has blessed me with companions that are super gifted when it comes to using computers and photoshop etc. We made an AWESOME flier kinda mocking card. I will have to send you the picture next week. I don't have the file right now but it looks GOOD. Sister Shell killed it and everyone was super impressed. We are going to make A-frames and go to all the college campus' and pass out fliers. It will be really cool! We are hoping its a HUGE event. Bishop wants like lefgit refreshments like a wedding reception. He just kept saying, "GO BIG!" so... we are going to try! 


So for those of you that are familiar with the Book of Mormon... there is man named Lamoni and he is so overcome with the spirit that he falls to the ground and cant move. SO... Sister Shell coined this term... I laugh so hard whenever she says it. It's just so odd but funny at the same time.... So... I shall define it for you..

LAMONI (verb)- to be so overcome and exhausted by the spirit that one collapses to the ground, unconscious. 

EX. When Sister Shell comes home after a really long day and says, "I just need to Lamoni for a few minutes. Leave me be." And then proceeds to lay sprawled lifelessly face down on the carpet until she sees fit. I had to snap a picture of her Lamoning. It was too funny. 


So my mom send me this little black notebook that says "Keep Calm and Carry On" Sister Loo and I started using it to write down ridiculously awkward and stupid things that we would say to people in order to start a conversation with them. I will give you an example... We are standing in Big Lots and Sister Shell and I felt like we needed to talk to this guy... so we are just looking at each other jutting our heads in his direction with our teeth gritted, KNOWING that we needed to talk to him but not knowing how... out of no where I hear Sister Shell say to the guy, 

"Do  you like queso?"
"Queso. We're having a debate... I like queso, and she doesn't. Do you?"

That's right, Sister Shell will fit in perfectly in this area. You have to be able to master awkward conversation starters... 

So we decided to add a little piece of paper to the bottom of the notebook so now it says, 

Carry On
 ...a conversation"



Saturday morning we had to drive like 80 miles to a baptism for someone that Sister Shell taught... (quick cool story.. his name is Sean and he was watching the history channel one day and they were saying that the Native Americans are descended from Jews. He thought to himself, "wait.. uhhh pretty sure that my mormon friends already believe that...." So he went to and referred himself, Sister Shell showed up on his porch and now he is a member of the church! Anyway... back to the miracle. We went outside to get in our car and leave, and Sheldon (our car) refused to unlock. We pressed the button again, and again and he didn't unlock... this has happened before because I dropped the clicker in the toilet a while back... (dont ask me how. It was an accident...) But that is beside the point... We stuck the key in the door, and it just kept perpetually turning and never catching or unlocking. SO weird.. We worked on it for about 20 minutes and then decided to pray. I said it and just said, "Heavenly Father! WE know you can make this key work! We have to get to this baptism!" After that, Sister Shell stuck the key in the lock again and began to perpetually turn it. And I don't know why, but she pressed the unlock button while I was turning it. And just like that, the door unlocked! Sister Shell and I threw the door open, embraced each other, thanked Heavenly Father audibly SEVERAL times and hopped in and drove off. 

The baptism was great! I just love the spirits at baptisms!

Anyway... I think that is pretty much all I have to say... Except... I can't believe that I hit my 9 month mark! That is just crazy. I am half way done with my mission... wow.


Love this church. I know its true.


-Sister King
Frank proving to Sister Shell that she is NOT latino.


Comp unity- color coordination without even planning it

GIRL SCOUT PRIDE. Ps. Since when are Samoas not called Samoas?