
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Elders Are From Mars, Sisters Are From Venus


Okay.... So we signed up to be involved with a service project for this lady that is interested in the church. We had never met here but a lady from our sister ward works with her and she was in a really bad place in her life and she just needed serious help to get her life under control. Sister M and I packed all our stuff on Saturday morning and the second we loaded it all into the car it started POURING rain. The lord loves us. Yeah... it was not coincidence! So lucky. When it rains here it RAINS. Oh man. Anyway... we loaded our car up and then headed to the service project to clean Kathy's house. We brought a bucket, and a few sponges, we didn't really know what we needed to bring or what they would provide for us. We stepped into that house and I kid you not. It was like HOARDERS. The lady had like not cleaned her house for YEARS and had 12 cats. 

Remember that episode when the people on Hoarders find HORRIBLE things? Yeah. That was our experience. We thought we may need a mop or a broom not a HAZMAT suit. It was unreal. I picked up this box and the entire bottom fell through with like dead fleas and cat poop everywhere. I almost threw up. 

Not to mention that I got bit by some sort of bug. It isn't a mosquito but I have like 60 (yes 60 sister m counted this morning) bug bites that itch like crazy. And no they aren't bed bugs mom.... I am 90% sure they are fleas that were inside the house and decided to crawl on me while I cleaned... I dont know but last night Sister M said, "Do I need to take you to the vet?" I died!

While we were cleaning. We found a photo album with an embroidered cover on it and it had a cat on it. I opened it up and the ENTIRE album was full of her cats. It was like creepy. We were there for like 2 hours and hardly made a difference in the living room. I hope that we helped Kathy she was super nice but she just let her house go down the toilet. Literally. I hope that we can start teaching her this week! 


So we swapped apartments with the Elders. Sister M and I cleaned our whole house, it was spotless. We even left them little notes in the closets, drawers, under the toilet seats (haha) and under the sinks. They will probably be finding notes with little scriptures on them for the next 6 weeks. We even made them cookies. We packed all our stuff into our car except a huge bag full of food. Like one of those giant ziplock bags that you put down comforters in? We put all the contents of our cabinets in there. Elder Gutierrez who is from Chile (who I have a total crush on) took out the bag of food to the truck and we told them that we would meet them at their apartment in like 10 minutes. Sister M and I grabbed the rest of our stuff, and headed to meet them so we could unload all our stuff. 
We get there and unload the car. We have everything out of our car and so I say, "Hey Elder Gutierrez! Did you grab that bag of food from the truck?" He looks at me blankly for a second and I say, "the one with all our food in it that you put in the back of the truck?" He looks at Elder Matu and then back at me and then at Sister M and says, "What?!" Elder Matu pipes in and says, "Dude, we thought that was garbage!" 


Oh man... Sister M and I thought they were joking... but nope. Oh man. Sister M was FUMING. I just started laughing. We had NO food expect salad dressing and string cheese. I didn't really know what to say. Elder Gutierrez felt SO bad. He was like, "its okay I will go get it!" I was like, "Okay... you're going to go dumpster diving!?" Sure enough he did! He climbed in the dumpster in his shirt and tie. I was so mad that Matu didn't get a picture! Like really?! How did he not think to document this. Such a guy.

Anyway... we get our food back. Then we start getting settled in the apartment. This apartment has been passed down from Elder to Elder to Elder.... and probably never really been deep cleaned. We took like 3 car loads full of random crap to the dumpster. Then we find out that the Elders hadn't cleaned out their fridge, unloaded their dishwasher, emptied the vacuum or cleaned the bathroom....THIS is why men need women. They would die without us. It is a miracle that Elders survive the 2 years that they are gone. The lord really must be blessing their health and digestive system haha.

It was a disaster in there. We found Ensigns from like the 90's! They had things that needed to be frozen, in the fridge, they had expired everything, and they had mold growing on their leftovers that had probably been sitting in that fridge for the last 3 transfers. I laughed and thought of the Elders sitting in our apartment on our nice couch, eating fresh cookies while we slaved over making their apartment look homie. We did it though! It looks way good! Saturday was a long day and we only taught one lesson but it was so worth it! We have a nice apartment. 


1. Remember Tom? We are going to his house for dinner on Tuesday I cant wait! I hope that he wears a spirit shirt I want a picture with him! haha Oh he is such a riot. 

2. Sister M and I both got bit by a members dog on Saturday night after we spent all day cleaning. It didn't break the skin but we both have huge bruises on our legs. Like it is was a legit bite. We couldn't really be like, "OWWW your stupid dog just chewed on my leg. HARD." Instead we gritted our teeth, smiled fakely and said, "OH Daisy! look how BIG YOU ARE! HOW CUTE! How old is she?" We probs got bit because we smelled like CATS and were covered in petrified cat pee! The best part was that I had no idea that sis m had gotten bit and she didn't know that I got bit until we got to the car. As soon as the car door shut Sister M said, "DUDE! THAT STUPID DOG BIT ME!" and I was like, "DUDE! ME TOO!!!" It was hilarious. 

3. On Thursday we had to get our tire changed and we waited for 3 hours in the waiting room. Everyone would come and go but our car was just sitting there Sister M said, "Man why is this taking so long...... its probably because we are two white girls who know nothing about cars and we have Jesus' name on our name tag. What are we gunna do to them?!" I Died. She makes me laugh a lot. I just love her to pieces. 

4. I was standing in front of the mirror on Thursday night and I said, "what if I cut my hair to here would that be cute?" I turn around and Sister M is standing behind me with a pair of scissors and says, "i dunno lets find out!" I think I trust her a little too much. She did a really good job though! Shes so good with hair!

So a lot of funny stuff happened this week oh man... here is all the serious "missionary" stuff haha

Ashley is getting baptized on the 21st! We are so excited! We watched the Restoration movie with her the 60 minute one that they play on temple square she LOVED it. She sent us the sweetest text the other day thanking us for bringing her closer to Christ. I just love her. Man... Anyway about Joseph Smith... watching that and teaching the first vision so many times really strengthens my testimony of Joseph Smith. I just can't even imagine all that the saints went through to build up this church. We are forever indebted to them... and people say that WE are the strong generation? I dont think so. Man. 

In church the other day someone gave a talk about the world and how we can raise our families up and not have them brought down by the world. She said something that was really cool she said, "The great and spacious building from Lehi's dream? They are still there. They have just moved. Now the iron rod is running right in between the buildings. Zig zagging between sin. We need to hold firmer to the rod than we ever have before." I LOVED that. Such a cool thought.

love this work. 

church is true!


-sister king

p.s my new address is:

555 Spring Park Center Blvd. #6104
Spring, Texas 77373

Spontaneous hair cut..

Last day with our feline friends- Tayless likes pina colada yogurt. (Don't worry I was done!)

our new apartment! With our cute missionary scrubbers! #thanksmom 

                                          Cypress Creek Elders and us.
Elders Matu and Gutierrez  #CC4LYFE

Elder Matu and Elder Syme the night before transfers. They got so many people to hear the gospel because they played basketball with them. Here are a few of the boys they met. I love this picture so much. Note how sweaty they are.... yeah thats a normal occurance here.

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