
Sunday, April 13, 2014

I am the QUEEN at killing roaches.

I have a million things to say! So this might be kinda messy! Sorry!

Well today I am kinda flustered because the Assistants asked me to help teach with them tomorrow at the Mission Leadership Council. So... that is pretty nerve racking. I am teaching on The Doctrine of Worship in our churches, and revelation through church attendance. I am nervous to say the least. I spend most of the morning praying and studying. Sister Shell kept coming in and being like, "are you okay?" and I am like, "Yah... just trying to figure this darn lesson plan out!!" She helped me find a bunch of scriptures on lay ministry and that helped. But still, stressing over teaching in a very intimidating meeting with President and all the leaders in our whole mission? Not the ideal way to spend my p-day.... haha. But I know that I will be blessed because of it. 

Wish me luck!

All I gotta say is, prayer is real, people. I had like a bazillion idea floating around my head and I was talking to Sister Shell about it and she was like, "Just pray about it and he will help you organize it." After all he is the one who asked me to do it, so of course he will help me!


No lie. I really just want to run sometimes. Sister Shell doesn't like to run so that has been kinda hard for me this transfer. It is a huge stress reliever for me. When I was on exchanges and they had a GYM? I was in heaven. Who cares if it is a treadmill. It felt SO good to sweat. On the mission sometimes it feels like there are very few things that you have control over. You don't really even have control over what you EAT! Which isn't as true in the Young Single Adult ward as it is in the Family ward. BUT one thing that you do have control over as a missionary is how you relieve your stress! Sometimes it is running, and other times its ice cream. Opposition in all things right? haha! 

There are some days when all your appointments fall through, you have given your all are seeing no success. In those moments I think of what Sister Shell always says, "Sometimes, It's okay to not be okay!" In those moments you just stand in a parking lot, hug your companion, cry for a minute or 2 and then you look at each other, laugh, and say, "Let's hit up Dairy Queen, yeah?" 

So on Tuesday we had the really cool opportunity to go downtown to volunteer at a Citizenship workshop. One of the members in a different ward is a Immigration Lawyer and he said that they needed people at the YMCA to help everyone go over and fill out their paperwork. Winnie (our GPS) was FREAKING out because she had no idea how to function with all the roads and the freeways. Roads here are NUTS. Pretty sure I almost died because I didn't remember how to drive in a busy city. But anyway, we made it there and sat in on the orientation. It was so weird watching a powerpoint of something that wasn't gospel related. I felt like I was in school again and there was so much information I felt like I was about to take the ACT. It reminded me of how glad I am that I don't have to worry about myself at ALL. I only have to worry about other people haha. 

It was really cool because we got to sit and talk one on one with these people who are permanent residents and they have amazing stories. We spent a few hours there and Sister Shell was helping this one girl that had previously met with the missionaries so we got a referral. She said that the elders used to come over and teach her and read from the Book of Mormon all the time but then she got a new phone number and lost their number and didn't hear from them again. So we got her information and she said that she was excited to see them again! It was cool. Like of all the volunteers that she sat with it happened to be with one of the 4 missionaries there! It was a cool miracle. 

Also, don't hate me for saying this Dad... BUT helping these people through this process made me realize how much I take being an American for granted. Some of the questions I was asking these people were kinda hard! I need to study my knowledge of the constitution. It was embarrassing!


Tuesday on our way back from downtown, we were trying to find somebody on our list that we have been trying to track down for ages. We never have enough miles to see her and the Elders said that they had stopped by but all they said was that she doesn't live there anymore but I felt like maybe we should double check.  We went to the address listed and no one answered. I felt like we should ask the neighbor if she knew Afton or where she was living. A really sweet catholic lady came to the door and she said, "Oh yes! Afton! That is Betty's grand-daughter. Let me give Betty a call, she should be home!" The neighbor called Betty and she told us to come on over. She said she didn't hear us at the door! The spirit led us to the neighbors house! This adorable old lady with FIRE red hair came to the door. Betty isn't a member of the church, but her daughter and many of her grandchildren are. We gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon and committed her to reading it and studying it with the Bible, and praying about it. She told us that she would, of course, love to study it, but to not expect her to change her faith. 
That was a miracle, not a coincidence. Planting seeds!


Wednesday, we went to "The Mission" like we always do. Before, we had a lesson with Evan, a guy who goes to the group. He came with a member to our fireside and is interested! We answered some of his questions about our basic beliefs, and he liked and agreed with everything we told him. He told us that he is very interested and wants to be part of something bigger. He loves the organization of the church and wants to learn some more! Then, we listened to the sermon. It was pretty good actually! Normally they are a bit off but this was super good! I felt the spirit during it. It was good! It was all about lost sheep and Romans 8 which like one of my favorite chapters of scripture. SO good.  Afterwards, we talked with a lot of people. While Sister Shell and I were talking with somebody, this guy named Joe was walking by and looked at Sister Shell and stopped. He interrupted our conversation by saying, "Excuse me, but I feel like God really wants to bless you two today, especially you," pointing to Sister Shell. "Is it alright if I bless you both right now?" And Sister Shell and I looked at each other and had a silent conversation...  We both know that Joe doesn't have the Priesthood, but that his intentions were good and that he has faith and was genuine... and we really didn't want to offend him, so we kinda shrugged our shoulders and said, "Uhh... sure."
Now... let me preface this by saying that the people from this christian group have prayed for us before. They are very sweet, amazing, kind christian people. And they are very sincere in their prayers when they say, "Please help these two Sisters to find Jesus, bless them that they will not be anxious or stressed as they go about serving others..." I mean they are genuine prayers and obviously God hears all prayers. So when Joe asked to BLESS us I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen. Normally (one or several people) place their  hands on the persons head or shoulder and then bless them.

But... this is what happened. 
Sister Shell and I folded our arms and bowed our heads, almost our of reflex I guess... and then Joe began. "Dad, I just want to thank you for this day, Lord, and for these missionaries, Holy Spirit, and thank you, Lord Jesus, for all that you've given us, and please bless that... yeah. Um, please, uh... yeah. Yeah! Yeah...... yeah.... yeah." And Sister Shell and I both peeked at this point and noticed that his arms were stretched out towards us, like he wanted to put his hands on our shoulders or our heads like they usually do when they heal people. But he wasn't doing that. Joe awkwardly laughed and shook his head like he was embarrassed, and  then said, "Sorry." Sister Shell and I looked up and Joe looks at Sister Shell and says,  "I just really feel like God wants to bless you specifically, so I'm gonna just focus on you if that's alright."
"Go ahead."  Sister Shell said with a polite shrug. And we bowed our heads again. 
"Uh, yeah.... ummmmm..yeah...Lord." Was basically what he said. Joe was really stumbling over his words. After a minute, he gave up and we all opened our eyes as Joe just  told us what he thought. He said, looking at Sister Shell "You know, I feel like God just really wants to use you to bring other people to Jesus!"  Which she already knew because she's a missionary! He went on his way, and we thanked him for his kindness. Everyone at the Mission including Joe really are trying to do a good thing, and they do a lot of good! They bring people closer to Christ every day! Sister Shell and I don't want anybody to think that we are making fun of "The Mission" in anyway, but we just know that we could add so much goodness to the faith that they already have, if only they would let the truth in.

I didn't fully realize the significance and power in that experience until Sister Shell and I talked about it a little bit later. This is what Sister Shell Said about it, 

"That was a really cool experience for me. I knew that he didn't have the Priesthood, and that he had no authority to bless me. Therefore, he couldn't. And maybe it made him wonder why he couldn't do that, and maybe Joe will ask us some questions soon, and maybe one day Joe will have the real Priesthood and will be able to truly bless people."

Well said Sister Shell.  Church is true. And everytime I go to the mission I leave being SO immensely grateful for the priesthood.

Also..because Sister Shell and I have been discussing and studying the Priesthood it was totally fitting that I would have a dream about it right? Me and my crazy dreams... oh man. I had a dream that I was driving with Olivia in the car down a canyon and my breaks went out! So scary. We were going like 200 MPH. So when I finally managed to stop I was shaking and so scared, we almost died. I wandered around this random train station asking anyone if they had to priesthood so I could get a blessing, no no did! It was so scary! Then a cute little boy tugged on his dad's suit coat, pointed to me and said, "Daddy, that girl needs a blessing!" I was SO relieved to have found someone! I sat down, and the dad put his hands on my head and asked me what my name was. I woke myself up as I audibly said, "Jocelyn Amelia King!"  It was such a weird dream. But the cool part? The priesthood works! EVEN in dreams! I woke up and I was totally calm. SO strange.

"... and we were about to turn back..."

Thursday started off with me waking up, I felt like I had been hit by a bus or something. Still not sure what was wrong with me. Maybe something I ate? No idea. But the morning came too quickly and started with me half way in and half way out of my bed yelling to Sister Shell in the other room "Ugh! What's wronggggggg with me?!" And Sister Shell responding back to me, "Nothing's WRONG with you, you're just not okay!"We had a good laugh about that haha.

Then we had an AMAZING lesson with Sandra! She told us that she never goes anywhere without her Book of Mormon! Like she has it in her purse always! How cool is that? Then, she told us an experience she had last week. She was very upset and didn't know what to do, and everyone in the house was asleep. It was late at night and she couldn't stop crying. She looked down and saw her Book of Mormon sitting on the table next to her, she picked it up, opening it to a random page. This was the first verse she read. She read it out loud to us as she recounted her experience and she got so choked up that she could hardly finish! This is the verse she read in that moment, 

"Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go unto thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success." 
-Alma 26:27

Then she said,  "I don't know if this is right, but I took that to be God speaking to me and it really comforted me and helped me." We told her that she'd understood that right, and talked with her about how God answers prayers, she is the sweetest. AND she got asked on a date! She was so excited. A member asked her out at FHE :) I love her so much. She is living the american dream! Now we just need to get her sponsored with an engineering firm so she can stay! 


This week I asked Janae (one of my favorite Texans I have met) "Janae, what do you think my style was before my mission?"
And she just got this super confused and troubled look on her face and said, "Uh.. Gangam?!" And we just about died laughing. The funniest part? Janae doesn't even know what Gangam style is! I died. Then I showed her the dance haha.

So we were going to get pedicures on Monday but we ended up not having enough time. So we headed over to Chili's. We ate some yummy pasta, and then while we waited for the check I started to draw on my to-go box. It started out just being a crown for "KING" so we could know whose was whose. Then it turned into a funny picture of us on my to-go box. Our waiter said that I should go into animation or something. It was pretty funny. We have it hanging up in our apartment. 

Also, this week in a lesson with Angelica, Sister Shell played "I Can Go the Distance" from Hercules on the piano and I totally felt the spirit. 

Also, in the same lesson with Angelica, Sister Shell and I related the gospel to Lord of the Rings, because Angelica is a total LOTR nerd, just like we are.  This is what Angelica said about Sam and Frodo... 

"Sam is like Jesus Christ. And I am Frodo. Sam always says, 'You don't give up Frodo, you keep going, we can do this!' And when he was about to give up, Sam carried him up the mountain."

At this point, you can bet that I had tears streaming down my face. SO true. Man, Tolkien is totally chillin' with CS Lewis in the spirit world, playing chess and I know that they just LOVE moments like those. 

Church is true.

Love y'all!


-Sister King

PS. Sister Shell and I are still together for another transfer! No news on her Visa yet, or Sister Loo! But we have faith that they will get there!

Us with Frank at the temple, after a really good lesson with him in the waiting room. He LOVES the temple. 

 Adorable decorations at the Stake Center for the Women's Broadcast!

Us and Ashley at  "Chill..." the milkshake bar!

A member showed us a picture of his district when he was serving in Brazil in the 70's. I thought that it was hilarious.

Chili's masterpiece. Who can get me an internship at Pixar?

Making sandwiches to give out to the homeless people we always see

The cool cornerstone at the YMCA in downtown Houston!

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