
Monday, November 4, 2013

Nahum's moment of fame and Halloween

Okay, not a ton happened this week but Sister Loo and I laughed a ton. I don't even know what we were laughing about but it is hilarious having the AP's in our ward because they are so much fun. So this week wasn't too exciting but Here are a few Highlights....
So I guess there was a tornado warning? We were going to drive up to the Woodlands so Sister Loo and another visa waiting Elder could practice their Portugese on a Brazillian lady that worked with their Ward mission leader. So we called them to set it up. It had rained SO hard that day and the day before. When we called the Elders they were rescuing a bunch of horses from a horse ranch. I guess last year one of the horses drowned because the pasture flooding so much so they were being extra careful this year! So they were evacuating all the horses and had police escorts and everything.... Too bad our email isn't as exciting as theirs is this week haha. But we the Elders were like, "yeah we just heard that there is a tornado warning! So if ya'll can't come up to the woodlands don't worry about it and we can reschedule...." So we called the AP's and this is the conversation we had. I was laughing SO hard.
"Hello, this is Elder Frandsen and Elder Wilstead!"
"YO this is Sister King and Sister Loo!"
"Well whatdya know! Fellow desciples of Jesus Christ!"
"haha Question.... have you heard anything about a tornado warning?...NBD haha just a TORNADO.."
"Wait.. is this really why you are calling...."
"YES, 100 percent serious!"
"Well, Sisters, in this situation I think the best thing for you to do would be to go get under your bed for a few hours."
"Okay.... we will pack a sack lunch."
4 hours later we get a text....
"Sisters, I think you can come out from under your bed now."
This got sister Loo and I thinking... could we even fit under our beds? (picture attached below haha)
We met with an inactive member her name is Steph. She has Asbergers and a really bad stutter. It is really really difficult to talk to her because it takes a long time to get an answer out of her but the spirit was helping us in the lesson. What was so neat about the lesson we had was that normal her stutter is almost crippling and as we talked with her during this lesson and she opened up to us about her thoughts and feelings of depression and fear, the spirit was so strong. It wasn't until the end of our conversation that I realized that Steph's stutter had TOTALLY subsided and she was able to tell us her true feelings and really open up to us. It was amazing. I don't know if she realized how much different her speaking had changed, but it was amazing. We shared with her Elder Hollands talk from October conference about depression and it was really powerful. We are working slowly with her. She needs to know that heavenly father loves her. It really hit me that as missionaries we have to continually use the principle of TEACHING PEOPLE NOT LESSONS. That is so true. Normally we would have a commitment of reading a chapter in the book of mormon or a commitment to pray everyday but with Steph... In our eyes, her commitment was small. But to her, it was a big step. We left her with the commitment to smile FIVE times a day. By the end of the lesson the spirit had softened her heart and we were laughing with her. Missionary work isn't just to preach the gospel. It is to uplift, inspire, encourage and bless. If you are doing that, you're being a missionary. INVITE people to be happier. INVITE them to hear about the church. INVITE them to come to know Jesus Christ. He has already died for them and suffered their pains and sins, they deserve to have that gift of the atonement!
Love this gospel. Love this work!
This week we took out a gang from our ward for FroYo! (I attached a picture) We went with Kaylan (one of our ward missionaries) Janae (ward missionary, in remission for brain cancer), Dianna (also a brain cancer survivor) and her brother Fransisco (he and Dianna are both recent converts.) It was really cool. Fransisco and Dianna's grandmother recently passed away. They have been having a difficult time so we visit them quite often. Fransisco told us an amazing story. When their grandmother was on her death bed, she heard her husband (who passed away many years ago) singing to her and she told those by her bedside that he was beckoning her to come join him on the other side. That was such a comfort to them! We are going to try and work with their family but... we don't speak spanish sooooo... we will have to find the spanish missionaries to talk to their parents. So cool. I love this gospel.  
PS. I kinda got to go trick or treating... or at least my name tag did hahahaha this little girl wore my name tag because she was dressed up as a sister missionary but she didn't have a tag. So I let her wear mine it was pretty cute.
Sister Loo and I are SO tired. We feel like we are running around in circles. God is teaching us patience. That is for sure. We have so many people willing to come out with us on lessons... BUT we have no one to teach. We are not giving up, but the members need to catch the vision! It will happen! We started a little thing in RS this week. We got a brick and we tied a cute ribbon and two pass along card on it. We are "building a foundation" and the person who has the brick that week has to pass them out and then the next week come back and report their missionary experience. We wanted to start with a BoM but we need to start small... This ward needs to work in baby steps! Pray for us!  We are feeling more like an activities committee than a missionary committee right now. We have dodgeball tonight and game night tomorrow. People need to introduce us to their friends that is the ONLY way we can find people to teach!  
We have found that the best way to find people to teach is by talking to our cashiers at every single place we go. They are all young single adults... Elder Frandsen and Elder Wilstead said that they were driving past this auto store that like sells sick rims and like stuff to like make your car look all pimped out.. and Elder Wilstead said, "We drove past and thought 'THATS where the people we need to teach are, I guarantee it.' But then we realized that we would look like idiots walking in there... like what are we gunna say?!...'oh hey bro...we are looking for a light bar for our Corola..."
I died. They are the best.
Love this gospel. Church is true.
Sister King.
ps.... the title of my email... In a leadership training we were talking about scriptures that help us when we are going through a difficult time... one of the elder raised their hand and said, "Nahum 1:7" President Pingree was SO taken back. It was hilarious he said, "Well thats a first! You know who is cheering in the spirit world right now? NAHUM!! "SOMEONE NOTICED ME!!"  We all laughed SO hard. Sometime I think that I came to Texas just for President Pingree. That is how much I love him.


 "Wait.. Elders can you take a picture for us?"
"Goshh.... you're such girls."

Us and Jorge (isn't he just glowing with the gospel!? Still so happy he got baptized!) 

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