
Thursday, January 23, 2014


This is going to be really short because I am still not feeling too hot. But this week was a very strange week. We are working really hard to reach the goal of having three baptisms by Valentine's Day. We have one, Ashley! But... we really only had guys that we were teaching, so on Tuesday, Sister Loo and I refocused and decided that we were going to reach the goal and we KNOW that it is possible. It is terrifying putting our faith into such a huge thing. We told the Sisters in the ward that there is NO way we can do it without them. So on Saturday we called all the sisters in the ward and invited them to join with us in a special fast for missionary work, and to have the courage to invite someone to church this coming Sunday

We can't do it alone...  Sister Loo and I spent pretty much all of this week trying to find people. We also are using Power Hour (6:00-7:00pm) to the best of our ability hoping to find people as they get off work and are heading home. And we had some amazing miracles. 


 On Wednesday we prayed to know where to go. After trying to figure out where YSA Sisters would be we decided that we should go to a shoe store... we prayed, got off our knees and Sister Loo and I were thinking of the exact same store. We told the lord that we would be there at 6pm the next night on the dot! 

So...5:57pm the next day we are sitting the parking lot and our hearts were so full. We were going to find someone but we had no idea who. It was the strangest, most exciting feeling.  Before we went in I offered a prayer in the parking lot asking Heavenly Father to direct us and be specific in who we needed to talk to. I said, "We have no idea who this sister is so you better help us out. Do your part!" The spirit was so strong and our hearts were beating out of our chests as we walked across the parking lot. We had an appointment with someone that the lord had set up for us... but we didn't know who!  I saw the Cashier the second we walked in and KNEW that it was her that we were there for!  

So... we felt like we should talk to the cashier... but that meant buying something (which I guess wasn't a huge problem ;) ). As we were about to check out both of our hearts kept beating faster and faster. I felt like looking up to Heavenly Father and saying, "OKAY! We got the message! Now stop making me sweat!" I am sure that he would reply saying, "Hey YOU'RE the one who asked for a clear sign... so I am giving it to you!" 

 Her name is Kalin and she has friends who are on missions. She has also attended church with her friend who is at BYU a couple of times (sounds like another Frank!). We are hoping to meet with her this week and talk with her more about the church. She said she is very open and interested in coming to church with us! SO COOL. 

New "ASL" Sister Missionaries?!

Sister Loo and I have been slowly learning American Sign Language. We have an ASL district in our zone and an Elder who is deaf. Every preparation day when we get together he is always sitting off by himself and lonely. So we made an effort to learn some signs so we can slightly communicate with him. 

There is a less active in our ward who knows sign language so we asked him if he could teach us and we got an appointment with him! Before this he wouldn't even answer our texts back! We have gone and visited with him a couple of times and even gave a lesson to a couple of his non member friends who just happened to be at the house when we stopped by one day.

We learned how to finger spell and have been practicing signing street names while we are in the car. Today is Elder McGill's birthday!  So we learned and taught the whole zone Happy Birthday in sign language. We had cake, ice cream, and pani popo (this way good polynesian desert coconut roll thing! He was so surprised and he even started crying! We all played card games and it was great because a lot of the zone was able to communicate and play games with him. Sister Loo and I had a great time and he really appreciated us making the effort to get to know him and talk to him.

The Elders are trying to talk to President into letting us like legit be in the ASL area. HOW COOL would that be. Who knows if it would happen. Probably not... but still we are enjoying learning sign language! :) 

Anyway, sorry this is so short! I am just really lazy today. Love ya'll.... Oh and this morning I had another mind-blowing Book of Mormon moment... man, that book is true. Pray before you read it and miracles will happen... no joke. Did I tell ya'll what Frank said about the Book of Mormon? He's an investigator but he said, "you can never really finish the book of mormon because you can never stop learning from it." We learn things all the time from the people that we teach its pretty cool! 



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