
Sunday, August 17, 2014

JUST DO IT. The hardest part is showing up.

Well, we had a really good Zone Meeting and it was exactly what we needed. President Mortensen is great but everyone is going through Pingree withdrawls. He is VERY motivated and tough. But it is paying off and the mission is pushing forward! We had more July baptisms this last month that the mission has had in 16 years. Pretty cool. And we are working hard. The whole mission is committed to inviting 25 people everyday to hear about the gospel. It is a huge push, but we can do it. We left Zone Meeting and I was TOTALLY overwhelmed. A huge part of Zone Meeting we had talked about what it means to "ponder" I was thinking a lot about that the whole drive home. I was pondering about pondering. We came home to eat lunch and I said to Sister Cecil, alright, I need to figure out how I am going to re-dedicate myself to this and follow what the Lord wants. So I went in the bedroom, closed the door, knelt down and talked to God. The overall thought that kept popping into my head as I prayed was something that the Patriarch had told Frank this last week...

"Part of this life is to prove to Christ that you love him more than you love yourself."
The other thing that kept coming into my mind as I pleaded with the Lord to help me be motivated, was a quote from a little company some of you may have heard of... NIKE. The wise words of....JUST DO IT.
The Spirit seemed to say to me:
"JUST DO IT. You know what I have asked of you, and I promise that you will be happier and more fulfilled if you just do it. I will be there every step of the way."
So I got up off my knees, grabbed some lunch and we headed out to do just that. The following miracles happened as a result of our faith:
OLGA- Lady at Walmart, "Are you Mormons?" We had a good discussion with her and she told us that of all the churches ours portrays the Savior the most beautifully in paintings. Because HE LIVES, he is not hanging on a cross. He is ALIVE and she recognized that spirit in the paintings she has seen. Neat conversation.
JAMES- Nigerian man standing by himself  in the Wal-mart parking lot. Wearing a London t-shirt. So naturally (I LOVE LONDON) asked him if that was where he was from. It was like a billion degrees and we were covered in sweat by the end of our 10 minute conversation, but I could feel so strongly God's love for this man. It was amazing. We started talking and ending up sharing with him Moroni's promise. He read it outloud in his beautiful Nigerian accent. He told us that he knew that was true. We testified of the truth of the Book of Mormon, gave him a copy and since he is going back to Africa soon, we got his address in NIGERIA to send the missionaries to his house. 
SANDRA- Our neighbor was standing outside alone, we started talking to her and she said that the Sisters before us gave her a Book of Mormon and taught her for a bit. Sandra told us that she had been beaten by her boyfriend and he was now in jail. She needed help. She talked to us about love and how she SHOULD be treated.

   With tears streaming down her face she said, "My BF doesn't love me..."she stopped, and looked up at us...

"You know your Prophet?"

"Yes, Thomas S. Monson?"

"YES! Now THAT is love."

 I almost started to cry. She is so right! God loves us THAT much. That is the basis for everything. We prayed with her and told her that we would help her get in contact with a battered women's shelter. We gave her a beautiful picture of the savior that I had with me, and "The Family: A Proclamation to the World." Right place right time. Miracle. 
JOSE- I attached a voice recording and at the end of it is another miracle. :)


The area Seventy came to our Stake Conference and it was amazing. At the Adult session on Saturday night he stood at the pulpit and said,

"Will all the Full-Time Missionaries please stand?"
*20 missionaries stood up all over the chapel*
"Sisters, how long are you out here for?"
(one sister missionary states loudly) "18 months!"
"Elders, how long are you out here for?"
"2 years!"
Elder Villarreal looks at us all standing and pauses. He says, "Doesn't sound very full-time to me...." he pauses, looks around the congregation, and says "will ALL the Full-Time missionaries please stand?"
At first a few people were confused, but one by one the entire chapel rose and stood up next to us. It was a really powerful moment. We are not alone in this. Members and missionaries need to band together for this hastening.
Thank you for your prayers! I am feeling much better this week and the faith that Sister Cecil and I have is going to bring forth some amazing miracles this week, I can feel it :)
-Sister King
my glasses broke. Cool.... grateful for scotch tape!

Donna (our investigator) had a birthday! So we surprised her and made her a cake! :)

And.... we left a note on the Elder's car signed by our cat.

I came out of the bathroom last week wearing my cat shirt- Sister Cecil says, "Glad we are at the level we can share clothes! haha" I was really confused. Then we realized that she had the same cat shirt I do! SO we had a photo shoot with Bethesda. Look familiar? #dejavu

Writing in my journal this morning about Stake Conference and Bethesda just wanted to cuddle, that little rascal. Oh and the other day we didn't have anything to feed her except the Slim Jims Y'all sent me in the mail, so Bethesda is pretty much on a truck driver diet. Hope her kittens don't mind. #preggo

Also, somehow Elder Nymeyer convinced Elder Barney that we had an Investigator names Bethesda... Because they would always ask, "How is Bethesday doing?" Then Elder Barney asked us "Hey! When is Bethesda going to come to church! I want to meet her! How long have you been teaching her?" Sister Cecil and I about died. It was hilarious.

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