
Sunday, August 11, 2013

We know about God apparently...


Oh man. What a week. I dont have much time to email but let me just say this. I got a phone call on tuesday night from my zone leader that said, "Sister King, how do you feel about taking over the area?" My stomach dropped and I said, "uhhhh.... I dunno?" and then he said, "Well thats good because you're packing your bags. Oh and you're training." So I am whitewash training. We have opened a new area with sisters. It is pretty nuts! I have no idea what I am doing but life is good. I have to rely on the spirit like 80X more than I did in my other area. That is for sure! It has been a crazyyy week. We got lost getting to our apartment so I said, "THATS IT HERMANA! WE ARE BUYING A GPS." So I flipped the car around and we got directions to walmart to buy one. I didn't even care. It is impossible to get around without one here. Especially with no mountains I have no idea where I am going. I think I have told ya'll that when I was little I thought that North was directly in front of you at all times...? yeah. I haven't gotten much better. Speaking of north.... I heard that Kanye West named his daughter North! How awesome is that... North West! Annnyway. We finally got to our apartment and we open the door and we didn't even have toilet paper. We spend the rest of the day building things, getting to know our neighbors, borrowing tools and we met a really cute family that lives above us! I saw them and all I could think of was all the kids dressed in white getting baptized! They are so cute.

It took me like 4 days to say my companions name right. So sad... she is awesome though she is from Boise and we get along super well. I love her. She is hilarious. She has such a good batman impression and so she always talks to me like batman. She is hilarious and loves to sing in the shower and blast come come ye saints. Which I am more than okay with since its almost the 24th. #HOLLApioneerday. She is so sweet. It is hard though becuase we are so alike! We are trying to find a good dynamic between us and share the load since we are both so talkative. It is hard to be a trainer but I am actually really enjoying it! I can do things my way and really use preach my gospel effectively! I am excited to progress and teach her all that I have learned. And I am learning things from her too!


Pretty sure we are the only white people in our whole complex and we kinda live in the ghetto. Like, LEGIT ghetto. Its fine haha. We have a cute little cat that doesn't have a tail and we call him Tayless.(tail-less) get it?  We breakdance with all the kids in our complex and we taught them how to pray the other night. One of them asked us how jesus made us and we talked to him about how jesus and god love him SO much and that they know his name! He was baffled by that thought! It was adorable.

 Okay so we met with the Fry family and they are going though serious trial. They were sealed in the temple 4 days before brother fry had an anyerysm and he was in the hospital for like 2 months. Then he had ANOTHER one. And they put him on a blood thinner. The same blood thinner that he had been on after the first one. Apparently his body had built up antibodies to the mediciation and instead of thinning his blot it clotted and he had to have all his fingers and toes amputated just after his first knuckle. SO sad. They are in the middle of a huge lawsuit and have no money. We went over there to help them with their yard sale. It was like a billion degrees outside and we helped them as much as we could. I hope that they made some profit off of it. But I am just so glad that they were sealed before all of this happened. It must have been such a comfort to know that they would be together even if something happened! They are such a sweet couple.

 After we visited them, next on our list was sister hale a less active. We went over to her house and we introduced ourselves she was so excited to have sisters. She talked about how she doesn't like to go to church because all they do is bible study and all that kind of stuff... She said, "why dont we like actually go serve people at church or learn how to be prepared for food storage during relief society meeting instead of just reading scriptures about it!" She just went on and on about how RS is just like hypocritical and all the rich ladies in the ward have fancy canning machines and blah blah blah.... I had no idea what to say. I told her about the importance of church and that the reason why you come to church is not because of the social part but it is becuase of the sacrament. She said, "yeah, yeah... I know, I know..."

THEN I had the strongest impression come to my head that said, "Okay, she wants to do service, give her the oppurtunity. Have her bring dinner to the Frys." I was stunned. I didn't even know this woman this was my first day in a new area. She is like a returned soldier from the marines and she could like beat me up in one swat. I was so scared but the thought just kept coming to my head so I said, "Sister Hale, I think that you need to bring the Frys dinner." She just stared at me and Sister Montierth just looked at me like, "uhhh what the heck?!" And I just said "I feel impressed that you need to bring them dinner tonight." At this point its like 4pm! Sister Hale says, "well I was actually just finnishing dinner when ya'll came here so I will put some on a plate and you can take it over." I swallowed hard and the voice came back to me and said, "NO. She needs to take it over there with you." I closed my eyes and said, "Sister Hale I think you need to come with us." She rebuttled by saying, "oh no... I am not dressed." I persisted and we told her about Brother Fry's surgery and her jaw dropped to the floor. She started dishing out even MORE food onto the plates and she agreed to come with us. She even brought her 16 year old grandaughter that isn't a member. 

We ended up taking her over to the Frys house just a street over. They had met before but they didn't know one another super well. Turns out that Sister Fry and Sister Hale were both retired nurses. CRAZY. They talked about lawsuits and all the different medications and sister Hales offered to come over anytime if sister Fry ever needed help giving brother fry new bandages or needed help lifting him into his wheelchair. They exchanged phone numbers and later at ward council when we shared our prompting they said, "Wow. We have been talking about having them meet for a few months now and it just never happened!" I am telling you. The lord can work through all of us. We just have to listen.


Church is true. Love this work.


-sister king

ps I have a new address

3030 Hirshfield Road
Spring Tx 77373

all my peeps from my favorite first area everrrrr

Nick is getting baptized I KNOW IT. This is him and his gf kenzi who is a member

LOOK what we built! SO PROUD. #ikeamissionaries

#p90xpday YOGA with the district! gah. SO SORE.

we got a legit mini bible at the dollar store for our keychain.

Our newest investigator named ben took this picture RIGHT before we have him a BoM and taught him the restoration. He told us we were sent to him. #angelsintexas

look what sister g gave me!


Matthewwww! He is reading the BOM again!! sister F keeps me updated!

I am going to miss my mexican bisos from kristell!!


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