
Monday, July 15, 2013


I just want to climb to the top of a huge mountain and like scream for joy. This week has been UNREAL. Sister Folsom and I decided that the only way we could adequately even begin to describe it is like the feeling when you get a first kiss and then you close the door and you are just flooded with happiness and like butterflies. Except.... these are like spiritual butterflies. Like Holy Ghost style. I just am in love with my life right now. Like we went to bed smiling and I dont think we have stopped smiling. My face hurts. GAH. I dont even know where to begin.... MIRACLESSSSSS. We are up to our ears in AMAZING THINGS.


Gah. Okay, so Nick is the boyfriend of one of our laurels and he has been progressing so so well. He could get baptized tomorrow if he wanted. The Merrill's (his girlfriend's family) have just like taken him in. I am pretty sure that he is closer to Brother Merrill than he is to his own dad. Everyone in the Merrill family except for the dad is out of town and Nick wants to do as many lessons as he can before his GF comes back. He is like so committed to doing this on his own and not having his feeling for Kenzi influence his decision in getting baptized! It is so exciting! So Brother Merrill is there for all the lessons and it is amazing! And he is well on his way to getting baptized. He asks such good questions and I can just see it in his eyes that he knows it is true. The most powerful thing is when an investigator takes that leap of faith and prays in front of you to know if what we are teaching is true. We asked him to be baptized last night and he said YES!


We got a referral from the spanish elders the other day because they tracted into this amazing woman named Karen! We were on exchanges and I was way nervous because this was like my 2nd real lesson that I had taught and Sister F wasn't there. But we prayed and had faith that It would go smoothly and goodness.... it did! We stopped by and she told us that she is in such a difficult situation. They dont have a car that works, dont have money to fix the car and because they dont have a car they can't go find a job to get more money. They also can't afford groceries, they dont have a ride to go and buy groceries. They dont even have money to pay for the city to pick up their trash. So her husband Catalino walks 5 miles into town everyday to stand on a corner to find work for the day.
I have learned on my mission that poverty is real and there are people here that are trying so hard to make a life for themselves but they just keep getting kicked down. It is so hard. But Karen saw something in us and so she let us in. We taught Karen and her two kids (Aiden, 9 and Victoria 16) the restoration and they were so so excited about it. In the middle of the lesson Aidens friend comes to the door and asks him if he wants to come play with him. Aiden says he can't, closes the door and then comes and sits back down on the floor next to me! WHAT 9 year old kid turns down playing to hear about the restoration of the gospel!  It was so so cool. We invited them to the 4th of july breakfast and by some MIRACLE got them a ride and an instant fellowshipper in the ward. Oh man. SO awesome.

On saturday we went back and Karen started tearing up and said, "miracles are happening since you have been in my home. I know that it is you guys! I know it!" She told us that her brother mailed her money for food randomly and THEN her husband got offered a full time landscaping job! I said, "Karen that is so great! But how is he going to get there if you dont have a car..." she started tearing up again and said that the person is going to pick him up everyday and drop him off everyday. Wow, what a blessing. They came to church yesterday! Victoria's boyfriend even came! They were all wearing jeans because they dont have any church clothes. The ward didn't care, didn't judge them, they swarmed them and took all the kids to the right classes.  They fully, fully, embraced them and it was amazing! Sacrament meeting was packed for some reason and so there wasn't room for me to sit by Karen. I was SO nervous that she was going to like raise her hands and say "HALLELUJAH!" In the middle of someones testimony because that is what she is used to, but I couldn't tell her anything or explain things to her because there wasn't room! I was a nervous wreck.... And THEN In the middle of testimony meeting Karen leaned over to Brother Hawks sitting behind her and said, "I am sorry sir but whats the priesthood?" he quickly got up and knelt next to her and explained to her what the priesthood was and he was talking to her for a good minute or two.  It is amazing. The members here are UNREAL. They keep thanking US for letting them serve and helping with our missionary work. We just have to keep telling them that they are the ones that are going to be blessed. SO neat.  Karen kept hugging me and saying that I was her guardian angel. We are going to buy her groceries and drop them off at her house because they dont have anyway of getting to the store! I think the ward will help them out if she keeps coming to church. So cool. I love love Karen and her family. We are going to ask them to be baptized this week!


Sister F keeps saying that she is going to name her first born son Matthew after this guy. That is how much she loves him and I couldn't agree more. Oh man. Sister Merrill (the sister that was here before me) tracted into him when sister F was on exchanges and they gave him a book of mormon and he started to cry. He knew that there was something special about it. He is 28 and is amazing. He reminds me so much of Adam Sandler only with a beard. He is so so sweet. And he loves the Book of Mormon. He knows that there is something different about us. And we can see him changing. He used to just blow cigarette smoke in our face when we taught him but now he realizes that it wasn't chance that the missionaries knocked on his door. He wants answers.
He used to be a truck driver and you can just tell from his quiet dignity that he knows himself so well.
I just picture matthew driving through the vast countryside with nothing but his thoughts and the rolling pavement. I know that we have what he has been searching for. We invited him to church on saturday and he was super hesitant but we bribed him... we said, "okay we will bring you dinner?" no bite. "we will...... bake you cookies?" nothin..... "we will wash your car?" didn't budge. then I had a brilliantly stupid thought come to my head... I said, "Matthew... what if we make you a rap song." He smiled so big and said, "YOU? Two white city girls? HA! It's a deal."

He came to church.

We need to make a rap! gah! we came up with one line so far... it goes:

"July 07 matthew came to church/ to find the good word/ pray ponder search."

pretty good right? right? We are going to try and incorporate a baptismal invitation into the next line and present that to him tonight.

After church we stopped by last night and we pull up to his house around 9pm and I kid you not... this was like something off of a church movie. Like the best two years or something...

ready for this?

We pull into the driveway and Matthew is still in his pressed collared shirt from church, sitting in his garage in a camp chair READING THE BOOK OF MORMON. Sister Folsom and I looked at each other and wanted to cry. We talked to him about church and he said that he really enjoyed it and that he really likes that fact that we dont have crosses and images of christ on the cross. He said, "That part of other churches has always made me feel so uncomfortable. Why would I want to remember my savior that way, in pain? It is nice to see that ya'll dont have that." Then he talked about how he really likes the BoM and how he totally gets that it is true. He asked, "So what does it say that there can only be 3 witnesses of the Book of Mormon?" and Sister Folsom and I go on to explain how the book was just too sacred... blah blah blah... and then after listening to our whole schpeel he says, "Well I mean I get that.. but like I mean if it's true, why aren't these plates like in a museum or something?" He is just so so legit. I love him...

 THEN if our love for Matthew isn't already exuding out of our ears.... We asked him to pray and oh man we just about died. It was the most genuine prayer I have ever heard. I had tears streaming down my face by the end of his prayer. It was amazing. He just talked to god like he would a friend. He said, "God, i want to walk with you, if this is the right path so I can do that, so I can walk with you and have you by my side, then help me to know that it is right. I dont think that it is just coincidence that these sister missionaries are in my life. I know that I have a lot to change, a lot to work on but I can do it if that is the right path. Show me the way to walk with you..."

WOW. I almost hugged Matthew it was unreal. Sister F and I were bouncing off the ceiling the member that we were with is preparing to go on her mission and she was so pumped too! Oh man. THIS IS WHY I AM HERE. I know for a fact that we knew Matthew before this life. I can just feel it. We better not get transferred TOO many good things are happening in our area.... as Sister Folsom always says, "his spirit bore witness to my spirit that he knows its true." TRUER WORDS HAVE NEVER BEEN SPOKEN. Oh man..... I know this is like a way heavy email but it was a good week. 

6 investigators at church and 5 of them are progressing.  UNREAL. We had to go through the drought to get here. I may have seemed peppy and all smiles in my other emails but these first 5 weeks here have been hard and we have hardly taught anyone... but now our hard work is paying off. I love this gospel and I can honestly say that I have never been happier. Oh man. GOD BLESS TEXAS.

In closing let me just share with you something that Elder Mortimer shared with us when we were talking about faith at a meeting on the 4th of july. We were talking about faith and how faith and fear are opposites.


Elder Mortimer said, okay so if faith without works is dead... and they are inverses of one another, then fear WITH works is dead. So in order to not fear we just have to act.



Church is true.


-sister king

Temple trip, so pretty!

After a sucessful fast and testimony meeting with 6 investigators to look after we came home, picked some fresh cantelope from the garden, had some pizza and took a well deserved nap. WE LOVE THIS GOSPEL. #texasforlyfe

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