
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Soccer Mom Elders

I am so tired of emailing and so this is going to be SUPPPPER short.
So sorry for the lame email this week.

I hit my year mark on the 22nd. So that was weird... Not sure how I
feel about that. I seriously feel like I just got to Texas. I was
reading my journal from the first night in the MTC and man... I have
just grown so much. I don't really even know how to describe it. I
just wanted to say a few things before I sign off. I have such a
strong testimony of the Holy Ghost since being on my mission. And Boyd
K. Packer sums this up so well when he says,  “I always know when I am
speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost because I always
learn something from what I’ve said.” I have had some really cool
experiences lately with the spirit leading me and guiding me in
knowing what to say.

Keep looking for missionary experiences, in Zone conference this week
we watched this video. I could hardly make it through without the
spirit just POURING into my soul.
the courage and the bravery that Peter and John had just astound me.
We talked about how as missionaries it is hard to not think of how
others will perceive us. We need to think of how GOD views us, NOT how
MAN views us. Easier said than done. We need to stick up for the
Gospel in every aspect and every regard. It needs to be within us.
Lauren our investigator said that she knew that the church was true
when someone saw her walking on campus with the Elders, followed her
to her car, and then proceeded to try to talk her out of investigating
the church. She called us and told us that she knew that it was time
for her to join the church and that she knew it was true. Why? She
felt the need to stick up for the church, Joseph Smith and The Book of
Mormon. She knew in that moment that it was true.

As do I, every moment I bear my testimony and every time I realize
that I am here for our Savior Jesus Christ.

....the ending of the above video?

Acts 5:40-42

41 And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that
they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.

42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to
teach and preach Jesus Christ.

-Sister King
Sandra's Baptism!

We pranked the elders by writing all over their soccer mom van. SO FUNNY. then Elder Valdez posed with it and who knew he was a legit dancer prior to the mission haha.

Frisbee with some of the ward and a few investigators! :)

 so.. the elders got bed bugs.... they are sleeping at the church.

Whenever you're having a rough day. Remember this picture.

We'd like to introduce you to Faith (our newest investigator)! We just haven't found her yet...


Missionary work on this side and the other!

I have been wanting to get involved with my family history for a long time but I just wasn't sure how to get started. When I would look at the fan chart it all seemed so overwhelming! And its like... if there are holes, pretty sure that is because they are impossible to find. BUT that is so not true. Last P-day after we checked our email he offered to help us. I found 10 new names! It was so cool. I could really feel the spirit of Elijah burning, at one point I was like, "Whewwww it is HOT in here. Can we turn on the A/C!" I was like kinda having a mini panic attack and all the other missionaries were laughing at me. I just got so excited when I would find someone! It was crazy. And you want to know the best part?

The next day (Tuesday) we were going to the temple with Frank for his first time! And I had him take some of the family names and do Baptisms and confirmations for those that I had just found. It was amazing. Frank was so excited to go, we called him on Tuesday afternoon and he was whispering. We were like, "why are you being so quiet, Frank?" He said, " I am at the Library reading the Book of Mormon, I just want it to be 7pm already!" :)

7pm came and it was really nice to be back in the temple. And it was my first time ever doing my own family names, especially ones that I had found. The neatest thought came as I was watching Frank doing the baptisms. I helped bring the gospel to Frank in this life. And now he is bringing the gospel to MY ancestors. It was a really beautiful moment. We are going to try and start working on Franks family history so he can take his own names to the temple. He loved the temple so much and when we asked him about it after he said, "It was like everything else faded away, the world, problems, everything. Clarity. It was just me and the spirit."

Another neat thought I had as I sat watching Baptisms was when it was Ford's turn to  be baptized. Many of you may not remember but he is a member in our ward that has Downs Syndrome. He is everyone's BEST friend. I love him so much. This is an excerpt from one of my emails from a few months ago.

"In our ward we have Ford Rumsey give the sacrament prayer he usually does the water. But he has Downs Syndrome and the spirit is so strong when he gives it because he says it very slowly and you can focus on every single word that he is saying. It is really neat, it reminds me of how proud the Savior must be of Ford for trying so hard to say it perfectly and when he messes up, I just picture the Savior kneeling there with him. So powerful."

As I watched him walk into the font the spirit whispered to me, relating this thought process...Ford doesn't have a perfect body, or a perfect mind. But he is here on this earth and here in the temple. Performing ordinances for those that do not have a body, despite that fact that his is not perfect. He has one. They cannot progress without Ford's help. It was a really neat insight that I was able to grasp. I just love the temple.

Prophets have told us to go to the temple as a source of guidance and protection. Safety from the storm, peace and refugee. A promise that when we walk out those doors we will be lifted up and the burden of this life will be lifted. Even if it is just a small lift. I know that the reason why these blessings come to pass is because we are being watched over by our ancestors for whom we do the work. 

"It is not just a religion..."

Sandra is getting Baptized on the 24th and she is so excited. She is really nervous though. She told us that she wished that her testimony of President Monson was stronger, but we read the baptismal interview questions over with her and they don't say, "Do you know that President Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet?" The question states, "Do you believe that President Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet of God? What does this mean to you?"  We then talked about it and she asked us if we would share our own testimonies of Thomas S. Monson. I told her that I had a really strong connection with Gordon B. Hinckley. And I shared with her that I remember very strongly that night sitting at the Stacks home with all my friends as we were one of the first people to hear the news that he had passed away. I told her that it took me some time to fully gain a testimony of President Monson. But just like it says in Alma 32:27 (one of my and Sandra's favorite scriptures) "...even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words." We shared that with her and the spirit was so strong. She then began to tell us a small portion of her testimony. I was crying (as per usual) she then said this about the church, "It is not just a religion or a name, like I am Catholic and now I am going to be a Mormon... It's a way of life. It is just so much more than a religion.... it's who you are as a person."

She has asked me to speak at her Baptism. I am so excited. She has strengthened my testimony so much. I am pretty sure she has a stronger testimony of the Book of Mormon than I do. She carries it with her always. :)

My new favorite scripture?- Ephesians 3:17-19

17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

 18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

church is true. 

-Sister King

We invested in Wheat Germ. Sister A's mom also used to sneak it into her smoothies. So we decided to get healthy and try it! :) We have green smoothies every morning. My jamba juice skillzz are coming in handy. 

 Me and one of my favorite members JacQue. We already have plans to go to the Rodeo in March when I come back to visit :) It was an emotional goodbye. She is going to be an EFY counselor for the summer. Friends for life. I know it. 

VOLUNTEERING AT THE IRON MAN! I may or may not have had a total missionary moment as I watched people's loved ones run along side them, cheering them on. I couldn't help but think of the Savior and our loved ones cheering us on. Not only here on our missions, but just along life in general :) Sister A looked at me and she was like, "are you crying?!" I wiped my eye and said, "no.... haha no idea what you are talking about haha." I was. it's fine. Also. I am TOTALLY doing a marathon when I get home. Who is with me? 

Feeding the Squirrels at the Park with Tom (AKA the Squirrel Whisperer) 

Frank at the temple!!!!

We Are Pretty Much Under-Cover Cops...

Well.... Let me just say Happy Mothers Day! I don't really have a whole lot to say this week except for that good things are happening in our area. It has taken a lot of effort on our part but Sister Andreason and I have really been striving to talk to EVERYONE and it doesn't matter if they are a YSA or not. Because of this we have sent out a few referrals and the lord has blessed us with random people texting us and asking US to learn more. It is really neat.  The lord is blessing us for being obedient. We are trying hard to brainstorm ideas of how to find now that it is summer. College campus? Dead. Mall? Mostly highschoolers. WHERE ARE THE YOUNG SINGLE ADULTS? Like I keep saying,"Okay.. where would I be?" The answer? Asleep, at the gym or at a friends house watching a movie or something. And... we can't really go contact at the gym... the closest thing we have is to go to the park! So we have been doing that almost every day. Pretty soon the park will be empty because we will run everyone out haha... literally. So... we are trying to work with the members and get their help to introduce us to their friends, but they all say that they have no non-member friends. We are relying on the lord. I think that this week we are going to try some Farmers Markets.                                          
President Pingree really stressed this analogy that is taught in Preach My Gospel, relating our work as missionaries to being fishermen! (Wonder where that analogy came from....? Matthew 4:18-22!)
“None of us should be like the fisherman who thinks he has been fishing all day when in reality he has spent most of his time getting to and from the water, eating lunch, and fussing with his equipment. Fishing success is related to how long you have your line in the water, not to how long you are away from the apartment. Some fishermen are away from home for twelve hours and have their line in the water for ten hours. Other fishermen are away from home for twelve hours and have their line in the water for only two hours. This last type may wonder why they do not have the same success as others.
“The same principle applies to missionaries, whom the Master called ‘fishers of men.’ A missionary’s line should drop into the fishing water the moment he or she leaves the apartment”
We prayed the other day and the lord blessed us with ideas because we are trying so hard to keep our line in the water and it is working. We just need to find a fresh new way to contact and the lord inspired us to make a QR code of the Mothers Day video. So we would go up to people and ask them for their help, it was genius. Even if they didn't want to hear our message, they were still able to help us and we invited them anyway to learn more. It was amazing to see how asking THEM for help was so effective. Everyone wants to serve. Who doesn't want to be helpful! After all, we all have the light of Christ, right? It was pretty awesome, we talked to 60 people and invited them to learn more. There were a ton of people at the Woodlands Waterway because there was a Lady Antebellum concert that was setting up and so we talking to a lot of people. We had some really funny little moments. Contacting is so scary but once you start talking to everyone it is like weird NOT to talk to everyone you see. It sounds crazy but the lord really does bless you with things to say! It is amazing! MIRACLES. And even though we have a completely empty calendar, it is okay.... because the lord will make it work. We just have to be the pencil and let him do the writing.
Funny Contacting Quotes
Sister A and I were sitting at a bench planning at the park and these High School boys get off of a school bus and come and sit down next to us under this pavilion and so I started to talk to them about what school they went to, how much I hated school uniforms back when I was in school etc. etc. and then eventually we say, "Well we are not from here, we are missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints..."
"Yeah... I figured Y'all were missionaries."
"Oh really? What made you think that?"
"Cuz you talked to us... the only people that randomly talk to people at the park are undercover cops, missionaries and crazy people...."
Haha. It was pretty funny. But we ended up teaching them all the restoration so that was cool. And the Elders just HAPPENED to be walking by so we flagged them over and had them take over just in case the high schoolers lived in their area since they weren't YSA's.
And I kept saying MERRY CHRISTMAS! To people instead of Mother's Day... so I would have to like switch it last minute and say, "Merry Chri-Mother's day! Merry Mother's Day!" It was funny.
Then we prayed with this huge group of black people and it was awesome. They asked me to pray after they did, and as we all stood there holding hands, I started randomly praying like a black baptist. It was so funny. It was so energetic and they were all "hallelujah"-ing and "praise jesus"-ing. It was awesome. haha. I love my mission. Oh man... only as a missionary can you  just walk up to a group of people and join in on their prayer. It's so weird but so cool at the same time.
Conference Ensign
Just flippin' through the Ensign subconsciously checkin' out the guys. #missionaryprobs
Nightly devotional with the Lord
I stole this idea with Sister A. But I have started to like write out my prayers in my journal. Sometimes my brain gets so fried that I can't focus and so I just have started to write down the impressions that I have as pray and the thoughts and feeling that come to me. It has been really neat to be able to go back and read them. I have already strengthened my testimony so much this transfer. It is amazing to be able to witness it in others and to witness it in myself.
General Authority District Leader
Also, my DL is a future Apostle. No joke. I may or may not have brought my voice recorder to District Meeting on Friday.... :) Shhhh... don't tell.
Church is true!
-Sister King
PS. Kevin took us out for SUSHI! So it was an EPIC week.


Not much time! BUT here is the lowdown!

My new companion is Sister Andreason! (An-dray-uh-son) people have a hard time saying it haha. Its weird because Sister Loo and Shell were so easy haha. She is awesome though. She has been out for as long as I have been in this area. 7 1/2 months! She is from Dayton, Ohio. And she is awesome. I think that we really balance each other out. We will get along really well. I have been so blessed to have such good companions. (Sidenote: I was talking to the Sisters that are serving in the ghetto area and on exchanges they told me that the "cool" thing to say is "It's a blessin' supa-size it and its a supa blessin'!" Ha! So... My companions have all been SUPABLESSINZ


Frank is just blossoming like crazy! He is so cute. I can't even explain it. But I am so happy that I have been able to be here for his entire journey. It is so cool. I know that this is how Heavenly Father must feel as he watches over each and every one of us and sees how we progress and change over time. I have also been thinking about the amazing potential that we have and how it is so pivitol that we understand how much the Lord cares about us. I have come to understand how much the Lord loves me by how I see him work and move in other peoples lives. Mainly Sandra. Man... SO COOL. I will talk about her more in a minute.

On Saturday we had Frank come to a lesson with us and someone the Elders are teaching. We met at the park and that may have been a mistake. He andJordy were SO distracted haha. In the middle of the lesson, "BUTTERFLY!" "Oh! Look a RABBIT!" "BUTTERFLY AGAIN!" It reminded me of that dog on Up that is like, "SQUIRREL!" It was pretty funny. But it wasn't a very effective lesson haha. 19 year olds with short attention spans don't mix very well with outdoor lessons. 


So even though our focus is young single adults, Sister Andreason and I have felt really strongly that we need to do a better job of talking with everyone. Sister Loo is serving in the other YSA ward and she said that when they give referrals for people who are not YSA age the home ward missionaries give them theirYSA referrals so they all work together which is how it should be! So we have been talking to everyone we come in contact with and inviting them. On Friday we had a really good Zone Meeting where we talked about agency and the whole take away message was, "In order for people to accept our message of the Restored gospel, they have to be invited to do so." So I took a portion of the training and talked about how we need to invite EVERYONE. So what if they say no, brush it off and move onto the next person. I shared a quote that Dianna Wing put in my little quote book thing that mom put together for me. The quote says, "If you don't ask, the answer will always be NO." SO we need to ask! Everyone!

After the meeting I was on exchanges with Sister Flanery and we invited literally every person that we saw at the park it was cool. We had some really cool experiences. And we met the SQUIRREL WHISPERER. After talking to him about Polygamy and the Gospel for about 45 minutes, I thought to myself, "Well... maybe WE wont be able to convert him BUT his ancestors on the other side can... they want him to do their work! So I handed him a family search card and told him about the Family history library that was conveniently less than a mile away from where we had met him. He was super interested in that! Then we exchanged information because I asked if he would like to take some peanuts off our hands. (Sidenote: Brad Sidle, my dad's friend who lives here in Houston gave me a HUGE box of bulk stuff from Costco for Christmas. It was AMAZING. The gift that kept on giving! haha Included in that box of goodness was a HUGE bag of peanuts) So, we offered to give the guy our huge bag of peanuts, he gave us his phone number and called us the next day! 

Speaking of family history... I had an epiphany!....Helping an investigator with Family History is basically a member present lesson. #spiritofelijah

Church is true. I have been trying to do a better job of keeping a prayer journal and writing down my thoughts and promptings that I get. It has been really cool!

ALSO! Sandra is getting Baptized on the 31st! AND Lauren is getting baptized TOO! SO excited! 

Man the work is hastening.

When we would talk to people at the park at least 4 or 5 said, "Oh yeah, I had a guy in a white shirt and tie stop by my house last week and talk to me about that book."

or "Yeah I had a missionary give me one of these pamphlets last week."

"Yes, I remember a friend telling me about some boy who prayed in the woods or something.. what was it?"


People are given chances all the time to choose the Gospel. And with all these missionaries out now, those invitations are given even more frequently! If a MEMBER gives them, they are even more powerful. Invite your friends and talk about what you believe. On average someone needs to be invited 7 different times before they agree to meet with the missionaries. You never know, maybe you will be the one that makes a difference and invites them on the day that their heart is open to hearing it.

The work is hastening, the church is true.


-Sister King
My new companion! Sister Andreason!

 This kid rescued a kitten at the of COURSE I had to get a picture! Perfect segway to start talking about the gospel. SO stinkin' cute. 

 HUZZAHH! After 7 1/2 months of sitting on the floor and folding chairs we FINALLY have furniture! It is a miracle. 

Phone conversation with Elder Britain after hearing they had an extra couch-

"Wait... you don't have any furniture? You've been in that area for like an eternity..."

-"I know... but it wasn't until last week that I decided to take action and actually do something about it. After finally having a second to breathe this last transfer, I realized that my butt hurts... and that furniture is actually something that cool kids have."

-"HA! Oh Sister King.... You shoulda said something earlier, we have been living in LUXURY! We have 2 extra couches."


Okay, so we don't have a ton of time this week. Sister Shell always says that I take forever to email but its because I love to respond to each one of you that emails me individually so sometimes it does take me a while. BUT today we need to get a lot of stuff done! Sister Shell is getting her hairs (YES all of them) cut and then we need to go shopping and hard broil eggs and meet up with our zone for an easter party! I am excited! There is a lot to do to get her ready to go to Brazil so my emails these next few weeks are probably going to be a bit shorter! I am so happy that her faith paid off and she is able to jet off :) So excited for her. But I am going to miss her. And I am going to be in this area for a million years haha. I know like everyone on the roster and all about them it's pretty funny. Pretty sure I know the people in the ward as well as the bishopric haha, the area is so big it takes a long time to train someone in it SO... I will probably have my next companion for 2 transfers so I will be in this area for a year! How nuts is that! 


Sister Shell and I went to the Waterway a few times this week and talked to people. I made a voice recording about one experience we had it was really neat. I hope that it sent okay, I am still trying to figure this thing out. Being a missionary, you kinda forget how to work technology.... haha.

But we sat down on a bench and wrote our testimonies in a copy of the Book of Mormon and highlighted our favorite verses and then said a prayer to know where we needed to leave it. I know that those two books are going to be found by someone. Who knows if anything will come from it tomorrow, in month, or in a year, but eventually that amazing power within those two copies of the Book of Mormon willchange lives. 


Frank is getting baptized this week! Gah! I am so excited for him. But man, Satan is working hard on him. It is so hard to see him second guessing himself. The Elders brought him a tie to church yesterday how cute! He looked So good! A few of our other investigators were like, "Wait... Frank isn't a member? I thought that he was a member this whole time!" 

We had a really good lesson with Frank at the temple the other day and Sister Shell was telling Frank how cool it is that the lights are always on inside the temple. And we talked about how it signifies that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are ALWAYS there. They are always home  inside their house and they are always there for us to go to. Frank looked up to the temple sighed and we heard him whisper under his breath, "always there..." It was a really sweet moment. There have been so many times on my mission when my heart feels like it is going to explode. You know that scene from the Grinch when the Grinch's heart grew three sizes and it like bursts out of the little metal frame? Yeah... that is the only way I can describe the spirit inside me sometimes. Sister Shell and I just put our hands over out hearts and smile. It is the coolest thing to see these people AND myself grow closer to the spirit and to Christ.

Last night Frank called while we were in an appointment and left a voicemail wondering if we could ask the holy spirit if he could have a drink of tequila. When we saw that he called we stepped out and listened to it and called him back. He was surrounded by all his extended family drinking and smoking and we just told Frank to pray and ask for strength. We called him later that night after we planned and talked to him on the phone for quite a while about the enabling power of the atonement. We talked to him about how proud we are of him and more importantly how proud the Savior is of him! We told him to pray to him and ask for strength to withstand temptation. We told him It is a power that he can tap into anytime and anywhere, and he just kept saying, "You guys don't understand." I said, "You're right Frank. We don't understand what you're going through but right now, this week especially Satan is working HARD on you, in fact he is working overtime. He doesn't want you to get baptized! All you have to do is ask the Savior to give you strength. He will! He is just waiting to help you!" 

It is such a cool thing to be applying the power of the atonement in my own life on my mission and then calling up an investigator and committing them to pray for that same strength and energy to make it through. It really is amazing to be able to have that gift of the atonement. It really does blow my mind how infinite it is and that every person we see can benefit from it. Man, I dunno. My testimony just grows everyday. I feel like this email is super cheesy haha. But I am just super spiritual today! There is also a little voice recording on here that Sister Shell and I did about easter. So I hope that you enjoy that. :)


1.We texted Frank and asked him how his Book of Mormon reading is going. He recently restarted from the beginning. He loves Nephi haha. This is our convo:

"How's your BoM reading coming?"

-"Me and Nephi are making a ship with our skills :)"

"Haha! How is that going for ya?"

-Pretty bad so far..."

"Darn Laman and Lemuel..."

-"Yeah I know right!!! Laman and Lemuel question our skills too much :/  They need Jesus."

2. Here is another one from a few weeks ago... Sister Lilinquist was talking to the ASL elders and all the sudden we hear her say " Don't you sass me with your hands!!" It was SO funny. 

3. Remember Kristin? Our favorite person ever? With stage 4 breast cancer? She isn't a YSA but we still visit her because she is amazing and loves our visits... we were talking to her about what we wear in heaven and these are two of her quotes. She was SO funny. Not to mention she was totally out of it with her medication. Oh I was laughing so hard.

"I want a rob of Swarkovski crystal. Do you hear that Heavenly Father? I hope you don't think I am not being blasphemous right now... because I am being completely serious."


"Wait...Do we even wear clothes in Heaven?"
-"Well Kristin, is it pertinent to your salvation?"
"Ummm YES! I need to know what to bring to match. I don't want to be wearing pink feathers in my hair if we are wearing RED! HELLO!"

Also... one more funny moment... Of course all the cute pest control salesman come to the YSA ward. Of COURSE. Oh man...You know you're serving in a YSA ward when you're sitting in class and introduce yourself to one of them.. this was our conversation....

"Hey! Are you new in the ward?"
-"Yeah! I am John! What's your name?" *my hair was covering my nametag*
"Hi John! I am Sister King! Good to have you in the ward!"
-*he stares awkwardly at me...."Sister King???... Are we in a family ward or something haha?"
*I brush my hair away from my nametag* "Oh! I am a missionary! Sister King..."
"oh.......I was gunna say! What 20-something year old goes by Sister King...."



 On Friday we had an amazing district meeting. It was very full of the spirit of the Savior. It started off with Elder Duvall saying, "Well... today our lesson will be about Jesus Christ *slams a box of tissues on the podium* it was pretty cute. He said, "There is no way I can give this lesson without these tissues up, here and I am going to try my best to speak clearly but I am going to be really emotional... hence, why I am going to delegate many of y'all to read some scriptures and stories." It was amazing. He really captured the spirit of the savior in the lesson. We read "The Room" by Joshua Harris- it is really good if you haven't read it here is the link 

He ended the lesson by saying, "Does anyone know what day it is today?" 
I raised my hand and said, "It is Good Friday."
 "And what does Good Friday signify Sister King?"
 I got a bit choked up as I said, "It is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified."

"Yes. That is exactly right. *pause* all the Sisters were all sniffling and passing around the tissues as Elder Duvall continued, "1,983 years ago about this time of morning, our Savior was lifted onto the cross."

It was a very quiet moment as we all reflected on that. The gratitude that encompassed me was SO strong. It was crazy. I love what I have written in my notes next, not sure if Elder Duvall said this or if I just wrote it, I can't remember, But I have written down, "The times in which I have felt the Savior nearest to me are very clear, but they are not nearly as often or as profound as I would like, or as I ever would have imagined they would be as I left his side and came to this earth. He wants us to be near. He misses you.  Let him succor you. Let him help you. Take that step toward him, his hand is already reaching out to you."

I dont really have much to say, other than to bear testimony that our Savior lives and loves us. I think that many of you have seen the video "Because of Him" if not I encourage you to watch it.

Last night Sister Shell and I walked around the park and sang Easter Carols to people and their families it was really cool. I just love the gospel! Be not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a great way to end the day :)

Also- Want a cool reading assignment? Read 1 Nephi 8 starting in verse 10 on to the end and replace the following words---

Tree- Christ
Fruit- Atonement
Iron rod- word of god
River/ water/fountain- Waters of baptism except in verse 32 it is replaced as waters of sin.



Church is true.


-Sister King
Our view of the temple with Frank.

Frank being photobomb hugged by Ivan our ward Mission leader

Hahaha. Pouring rain!

Frank and Ashley-- How cute is Frank in his little tie. Ashley is just the sweetest, she has progressed so much since she got baptized in January :)