
Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Not much time! BUT here is the lowdown!

My new companion is Sister Andreason! (An-dray-uh-son) people have a hard time saying it haha. Its weird because Sister Loo and Shell were so easy haha. She is awesome though. She has been out for as long as I have been in this area. 7 1/2 months! She is from Dayton, Ohio. And she is awesome. I think that we really balance each other out. We will get along really well. I have been so blessed to have such good companions. (Sidenote: I was talking to the Sisters that are serving in the ghetto area and on exchanges they told me that the "cool" thing to say is "It's a blessin' supa-size it and its a supa blessin'!" Ha! So... My companions have all been SUPABLESSINZ


Frank is just blossoming like crazy! He is so cute. I can't even explain it. But I am so happy that I have been able to be here for his entire journey. It is so cool. I know that this is how Heavenly Father must feel as he watches over each and every one of us and sees how we progress and change over time. I have also been thinking about the amazing potential that we have and how it is so pivitol that we understand how much the Lord cares about us. I have come to understand how much the Lord loves me by how I see him work and move in other peoples lives. Mainly Sandra. Man... SO COOL. I will talk about her more in a minute.

On Saturday we had Frank come to a lesson with us and someone the Elders are teaching. We met at the park and that may have been a mistake. He andJordy were SO distracted haha. In the middle of the lesson, "BUTTERFLY!" "Oh! Look a RABBIT!" "BUTTERFLY AGAIN!" It reminded me of that dog on Up that is like, "SQUIRREL!" It was pretty funny. But it wasn't a very effective lesson haha. 19 year olds with short attention spans don't mix very well with outdoor lessons. 


So even though our focus is young single adults, Sister Andreason and I have felt really strongly that we need to do a better job of talking with everyone. Sister Loo is serving in the other YSA ward and she said that when they give referrals for people who are not YSA age the home ward missionaries give them theirYSA referrals so they all work together which is how it should be! So we have been talking to everyone we come in contact with and inviting them. On Friday we had a really good Zone Meeting where we talked about agency and the whole take away message was, "In order for people to accept our message of the Restored gospel, they have to be invited to do so." So I took a portion of the training and talked about how we need to invite EVERYONE. So what if they say no, brush it off and move onto the next person. I shared a quote that Dianna Wing put in my little quote book thing that mom put together for me. The quote says, "If you don't ask, the answer will always be NO." SO we need to ask! Everyone!

After the meeting I was on exchanges with Sister Flanery and we invited literally every person that we saw at the park it was cool. We had some really cool experiences. And we met the SQUIRREL WHISPERER. After talking to him about Polygamy and the Gospel for about 45 minutes, I thought to myself, "Well... maybe WE wont be able to convert him BUT his ancestors on the other side can... they want him to do their work! So I handed him a family search card and told him about the Family history library that was conveniently less than a mile away from where we had met him. He was super interested in that! Then we exchanged information because I asked if he would like to take some peanuts off our hands. (Sidenote: Brad Sidle, my dad's friend who lives here in Houston gave me a HUGE box of bulk stuff from Costco for Christmas. It was AMAZING. The gift that kept on giving! haha Included in that box of goodness was a HUGE bag of peanuts) So, we offered to give the guy our huge bag of peanuts, he gave us his phone number and called us the next day! 

Speaking of family history... I had an epiphany!....Helping an investigator with Family History is basically a member present lesson. #spiritofelijah

Church is true. I have been trying to do a better job of keeping a prayer journal and writing down my thoughts and promptings that I get. It has been really cool!

ALSO! Sandra is getting Baptized on the 31st! AND Lauren is getting baptized TOO! SO excited! 

Man the work is hastening.

When we would talk to people at the park at least 4 or 5 said, "Oh yeah, I had a guy in a white shirt and tie stop by my house last week and talk to me about that book."

or "Yeah I had a missionary give me one of these pamphlets last week."

"Yes, I remember a friend telling me about some boy who prayed in the woods or something.. what was it?"


People are given chances all the time to choose the Gospel. And with all these missionaries out now, those invitations are given even more frequently! If a MEMBER gives them, they are even more powerful. Invite your friends and talk about what you believe. On average someone needs to be invited 7 different times before they agree to meet with the missionaries. You never know, maybe you will be the one that makes a difference and invites them on the day that their heart is open to hearing it.

The work is hastening, the church is true.


-Sister King
My new companion! Sister Andreason!

 This kid rescued a kitten at the of COURSE I had to get a picture! Perfect segway to start talking about the gospel. SO stinkin' cute. 

 HUZZAHH! After 7 1/2 months of sitting on the floor and folding chairs we FINALLY have furniture! It is a miracle. 

Phone conversation with Elder Britain after hearing they had an extra couch-

"Wait... you don't have any furniture? You've been in that area for like an eternity..."

-"I know... but it wasn't until last week that I decided to take action and actually do something about it. After finally having a second to breathe this last transfer, I realized that my butt hurts... and that furniture is actually something that cool kids have."

-"HA! Oh Sister King.... You shoulda said something earlier, we have been living in LUXURY! We have 2 extra couches."

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