Sister Shell and I went to the Waterway a few times this week and talked to people. I made a voice recording about one experience we had it was really neat. I hope that it sent okay, I am still trying to figure this thing out. Being a missionary, you kinda forget how to work technology.... haha.
But we sat down on a bench and wrote our testimonies in a copy of the Book of Mormon and highlighted our favorite verses and then said a prayer to know where we needed to leave it. I know that those two books are going to be found by someone. Who knows if anything will come from it tomorrow, in month, or in a year, but eventually that amazing power within those two copies of the Book of Mormon willchange lives.
Frank is getting baptized this week! Gah! I am so excited for him. But man, Satan is working hard on him. It is so hard to see him second guessing himself. The Elders brought him a tie to church yesterday how cute! He looked So good! A few of our other investigators were like, "Wait... Frank isn't a member? I thought that he was a member this whole time!"
We had a really good lesson with Frank at the temple the other day and Sister Shell was telling Frank how cool it is that the lights are always on inside the temple. And we talked about how it signifies that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are ALWAYS there. They are always home inside their house and they are always there for us to go to. Frank looked up to the temple sighed and we heard him whisper under his breath, "always there..." It was a really sweet moment. There have been so many times on my mission when my heart feels like it is going to explode. You know that scene from the Grinch when the Grinch's heart grew three sizes and it like bursts out of the little metal frame? Yeah... that is the only way I can describe the spirit inside me sometimes. Sister Shell and I just put our hands over out hearts and smile. It is the coolest thing to see these people AND myself grow closer to the spirit and to Christ.
Last night Frank called while we were in an appointment and left a voicemail wondering if we could ask the holy spirit if he could have a drink of tequila. When we saw that he called we stepped out and listened to it and called him back. He was surrounded by all his extended family drinking and smoking and we just told Frank to pray and ask for strength. We called him later that night after we planned and talked to him on the phone for quite a while about the enabling power of the atonement. We talked to him about how proud we are of him and more importantly how proud the Savior is of him! We told him to pray to him and ask for strength to withstand temptation. We told him It is a power that he can tap into anytime and anywhere, and he just kept saying, "You guys don't understand." I said, "You're right Frank. We don't understand what you're going through but right now, this week especially Satan is working HARD on you, in fact he is working overtime. He doesn't want you to get baptized! All you have to do is ask the Savior to give you strength. He will! He is just waiting to help you!"
It is such a cool thing to be applying the power of the atonement in my own life on my mission and then calling up an investigator and committing them to pray for that same strength and energy to make it through. It really is amazing to be able to have that gift of the atonement. It really does blow my mind how infinite it is and that every person we see can benefit from it. Man, I dunno. My testimony just grows everyday. I feel like this email is super cheesy haha. But I am just super spiritual today! There is also a little voice recording on here that Sister Shell and I did about easter. So I hope that you enjoy that. :)
1.We texted Frank and asked him how his Book of Mormon reading is going. He recently restarted from the beginning. He loves Nephi haha. This is our convo:
"How's your BoM reading coming?"
-"Me and Nephi are making a ship with our skills :)"
"Haha! How is that going for ya?"
-Pretty bad so far..."
"Darn Laman and Lemuel..."
-"Yeah I know right!!! Laman and Lemuel question our skills too much :/ They need Jesus."
2. Here is another one from a few weeks ago... Sister Lilinquist was talking to the ASL elders and all the sudden we hear her say " Don't you sass me with your hands!!" It was SO funny.
3. Remember Kristin? Our favorite person ever? With stage 4 breast cancer? She isn't a YSA but we still visit her because she is amazing and loves our visits... we were talking to her about what we wear in heaven and these are two of her quotes. She was SO funny. Not to mention she was totally out of it with her medication. Oh I was laughing so hard.
"I want a rob of Swarkovski crystal. Do you hear that Heavenly Father? I hope you don't think I am not being blasphemous right now... because I am being completely serious."
"Wait...Do we even wear clothes in Heaven?"
-"Well Kristin, is it pertinent to your salvation?"
"Ummm YES! I need to know what to bring to match. I don't want to be wearing pink feathers in my hair if we are wearing RED! HELLO!"
Also... one more funny moment... Of course all the cute pest control salesman come to the YSA ward. Of COURSE. Oh man...You know you're serving in a YSA ward when you're sitting in class and introduce yourself to one of them.. this was our conversation....
"Hey! Are you new in the ward?"
-"Yeah! I am John! What's your name?" *my hair was covering my nametag*
"Hi John! I am Sister King! Good to have you in the ward!"
-*he stares awkwardly at me...."Sister King???... Are we in a family ward or something haha?"
*I brush my hair away from my nametag* "Oh! I am a missionary! Sister King..."
"oh.......I was gunna say! What 20-something year old goes by Sister King...."
On Friday we had an amazing district meeting. It was very full of the spirit of the Savior. It started off with Elder Duvall saying, "Well... today our lesson will be about Jesus Christ *slams a box of tissues on the podium* it was pretty cute. He said, "There is no way I can give this lesson without these tissues up, here and I am going to try my best to speak clearly but I am going to be really emotional... hence, why I am going to delegate many of y'all to read some scriptures and stories." It was amazing. He really captured the spirit of the savior in the lesson. We read "The Room" by Joshua Harris- it is really good if you haven't read it here is the link http://www.joshharris. com/the_room_my_dream.php
He ended the lesson by saying, "Does anyone know what day it is today?"
I raised my hand and said, "It is Good Friday."
"And what does Good Friday signify Sister King?"
I got a bit choked up as I said, "It is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified."
"Yes. That is exactly right. *pause* all the Sisters were all sniffling and passing around the tissues as Elder Duvall continued, "1,983 years ago about this time of morning, our Savior was lifted onto the cross."
It was a very quiet moment as we all reflected on that. The gratitude that encompassed me was SO strong. It was crazy. I love what I have written in my notes next, not sure if Elder Duvall said this or if I just wrote it, I can't remember, But I have written down, "The times in which I have felt the Savior nearest to me are very clear, but they are not nearly as often or as profound as I would like, or as I ever would have imagined they would be as I left his side and came to this earth. He wants us to be near. He misses you. Let him succor you. Let him help you. Take that step toward him, his hand is already reaching out to you."
I dont really have much to say, other than to bear testimony that our Savior lives and loves us. I think that many of you have seen the video "Because of Him" if not I encourage you to watch it. http://easter.mormon.org/
Last night Sister Shell and I walked around the park and sang Easter Carols to people and their families it was really cool. I just love the gospel! Be not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a great way to end the day :)
Also- Want a cool reading assignment? Read 1 Nephi 8 starting in verse 10 on to the end and replace the following words---
Tree- Christ
Fruit- Atonement
Iron rod- word of god
River/ water/fountain- Waters of baptism except in verse 32 it is replaced as waters of sin.
Church is true.
-Sister King
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