
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

We Are Pretty Much Under-Cover Cops...

Well.... Let me just say Happy Mothers Day! I don't really have a whole lot to say this week except for that good things are happening in our area. It has taken a lot of effort on our part but Sister Andreason and I have really been striving to talk to EVERYONE and it doesn't matter if they are a YSA or not. Because of this we have sent out a few referrals and the lord has blessed us with random people texting us and asking US to learn more. It is really neat.  The lord is blessing us for being obedient. We are trying hard to brainstorm ideas of how to find now that it is summer. College campus? Dead. Mall? Mostly highschoolers. WHERE ARE THE YOUNG SINGLE ADULTS? Like I keep saying,"Okay.. where would I be?" The answer? Asleep, at the gym or at a friends house watching a movie or something. And... we can't really go contact at the gym... the closest thing we have is to go to the park! So we have been doing that almost every day. Pretty soon the park will be empty because we will run everyone out haha... literally. So... we are trying to work with the members and get their help to introduce us to their friends, but they all say that they have no non-member friends. We are relying on the lord. I think that this week we are going to try some Farmers Markets.                                          
President Pingree really stressed this analogy that is taught in Preach My Gospel, relating our work as missionaries to being fishermen! (Wonder where that analogy came from....? Matthew 4:18-22!)
“None of us should be like the fisherman who thinks he has been fishing all day when in reality he has spent most of his time getting to and from the water, eating lunch, and fussing with his equipment. Fishing success is related to how long you have your line in the water, not to how long you are away from the apartment. Some fishermen are away from home for twelve hours and have their line in the water for ten hours. Other fishermen are away from home for twelve hours and have their line in the water for only two hours. This last type may wonder why they do not have the same success as others.
“The same principle applies to missionaries, whom the Master called ‘fishers of men.’ A missionary’s line should drop into the fishing water the moment he or she leaves the apartment”
We prayed the other day and the lord blessed us with ideas because we are trying so hard to keep our line in the water and it is working. We just need to find a fresh new way to contact and the lord inspired us to make a QR code of the Mothers Day video. So we would go up to people and ask them for their help, it was genius. Even if they didn't want to hear our message, they were still able to help us and we invited them anyway to learn more. It was amazing to see how asking THEM for help was so effective. Everyone wants to serve. Who doesn't want to be helpful! After all, we all have the light of Christ, right? It was pretty awesome, we talked to 60 people and invited them to learn more. There were a ton of people at the Woodlands Waterway because there was a Lady Antebellum concert that was setting up and so we talking to a lot of people. We had some really funny little moments. Contacting is so scary but once you start talking to everyone it is like weird NOT to talk to everyone you see. It sounds crazy but the lord really does bless you with things to say! It is amazing! MIRACLES. And even though we have a completely empty calendar, it is okay.... because the lord will make it work. We just have to be the pencil and let him do the writing.
Funny Contacting Quotes
Sister A and I were sitting at a bench planning at the park and these High School boys get off of a school bus and come and sit down next to us under this pavilion and so I started to talk to them about what school they went to, how much I hated school uniforms back when I was in school etc. etc. and then eventually we say, "Well we are not from here, we are missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints..."
"Yeah... I figured Y'all were missionaries."
"Oh really? What made you think that?"
"Cuz you talked to us... the only people that randomly talk to people at the park are undercover cops, missionaries and crazy people...."
Haha. It was pretty funny. But we ended up teaching them all the restoration so that was cool. And the Elders just HAPPENED to be walking by so we flagged them over and had them take over just in case the high schoolers lived in their area since they weren't YSA's.
And I kept saying MERRY CHRISTMAS! To people instead of Mother's Day... so I would have to like switch it last minute and say, "Merry Chri-Mother's day! Merry Mother's Day!" It was funny.
Then we prayed with this huge group of black people and it was awesome. They asked me to pray after they did, and as we all stood there holding hands, I started randomly praying like a black baptist. It was so funny. It was so energetic and they were all "hallelujah"-ing and "praise jesus"-ing. It was awesome. haha. I love my mission. Oh man... only as a missionary can you  just walk up to a group of people and join in on their prayer. It's so weird but so cool at the same time.
Conference Ensign
Just flippin' through the Ensign subconsciously checkin' out the guys. #missionaryprobs
Nightly devotional with the Lord
I stole this idea with Sister A. But I have started to like write out my prayers in my journal. Sometimes my brain gets so fried that I can't focus and so I just have started to write down the impressions that I have as pray and the thoughts and feeling that come to me. It has been really neat to be able to go back and read them. I have already strengthened my testimony so much this transfer. It is amazing to be able to witness it in others and to witness it in myself.
General Authority District Leader
Also, my DL is a future Apostle. No joke. I may or may not have brought my voice recorder to District Meeting on Friday.... :) Shhhh... don't tell.
Church is true!
-Sister King
PS. Kevin took us out for SUSHI! So it was an EPIC week.

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